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  • Tags: Eye Movements

EMDR seems to be working through taxation of the working memory. A large amount of research has been carried out demonstrating that vividness and emotionality of negative images declines when working memory is taxed while the charged image is…

The purpose of the study was to examine the effects of bilateral left right saccade eye movements (BEM) versus fixation (FIX) along the median plane on the SUD related to negative autobiographic events. BEM or FIX were stimulated with visual-acoustic…

Handedness can be used as a marker for interhemispheric interaction, which can produce memory benefits. Bilateral saccadic eye movements can be used to manipulate levels of interhemispheric interaction. This study measured the effects of handedness…

Objectives: Recently, Interest has been increase on the cognitive and emotional effects of bilateral eye movement. However, there is little research related to the subject in Korea. In this study, we evaluated the effects of bilateral eye movement to…

Background and Objectives: Eye movements (EM) during recall of an aversive memory is a treatment element unique to Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR). Experimental studies have shown that EM reduce memory vividness and/or…

Traumatic events and PTSD are frequent in severe mental disorders, initiate and worsen the course and outcome. Therefore, psychotherapeutic interventions in this indication are clinically important but have been rarely studied. In this workshop we…

• Wat is het raadsel achter de oogbewegingen en piepjes• Hoe werkt EMDR wel en niet? • Is vervanging van oogbewegingen door piepjes verstandig? • What is the mystery behind the eye movements and beeps • How EMDR works and does not? • Is replacing…

• Wat is het raadsel achter de oogbewegingen en piepjes?• Hoe werkt EMDR wel en niet? • Is vervanging van oogbewegingen door piepjes verstandig?• What is the mystery behind the eye movements and beeps?• How EMDR works or not?• If replacing movements…

Earlier this year we published a paper that gave an up-to-date review of the evidence for whether eye movement had an effect in facilitating the processing of trauma memories (Lee & Cuijpers, 2013). In this paper we did a meta-analysis to look at…

Memories that are recalled while working memory (WM) is taxed, e.g., by making eye movements (EM), become blurred during the recall + EM and later recall, without EM. This may help to explain the effects of Eye Movement and Desensitisation and…

Andere bilaterale stimulatie voor pijnpatiënten? Bij de behandeling van patiënten met chronische pijn met EMDR is er aan het eind een fase waarin de actuele pijn zelf genomen wordt als target (de Roos, Veenstra, 2009). Mijn bevinding hierbij is dat…

Performing a sequence of fast saccadic horizontal eye movements has been shown to facilitate performance on a range of cognitive tasks, including the retrieval of episodic memories. One explanation for these effects is based on the hypothesis that…

Cette étude examine les avantages de mouvements oculaires similaires à ceux utilisés dans la désensibilisation et le retraitement par les mouvements oculaires (EMDR) pour réduire la clarté et la charge émotionnelle des souvenirs autobiographiques…

Syftet med detta examensarbete är att beskriva en behandlingsmetod, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), som används vid posttraumatiskt stressyndrom. Detta för att öka förståelsen för denna metod och granska nyttan av denna. Tanken…

Cognitive-behavioral therapy for anxiety disorders typically involves exposure to the conditioned stimulus (CS). Despite its status as an effective and primary treatment, many patients do not show clinical improvement or relapse. Contemporary…

Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) is an integrative psychotherapeutic approach that emphasizes the role of the brain's information processing system in ameliorating the somatic and psychological consequences of distressing events.…

A hypothesized mechanism of action of EMDR is an overload of the working memory.•“Corsi Cubes” and “Digits” were used to test this hypothesis in 50 healthy subjects.•Eye movements did not improve the immediate auditory and visual consolidation…

This paper reports the key findings from the authors' research with hospital outpatients and inpatients with PTSD, which appears in Neuroscience Research, 65 (4), 375-83. Trauma-related recall with eye movements (EM), an integral part of eye movement…

Background: A wide array of experimental studies are supportive of a working memory explanation for the effects of eye movements in EMDR therapy. The working memory account predicts that, as a consequence of competition in working memory, traumatic…

Il presente lavoro si propone di essere una revisione critica sullo stato attuale della tecnica del «Eye Movement desensibilizzazione e rielaborazione» (EMDR). Partendo da una descrizione della procedura della tecnica, segue una rassegna storica…

De posttraumatische stressstoornis (PTSS) kan effectief worden behandeld met eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR). Daarbij maken patiënten horizontale oogbewegingen terwijl ze traumatische herinneringen ophalen. Vaak worden de…

“Translating Research Into Practice“ is a new regular journal feature in which clinicians share clinical case examples that support, elaborate, or illustrate the results of a specific research study. Each column begins with the abstract of the study,…

Recent work has demonstrated that horizontal saccadic eye movements enhance verbal episodic memory retrieval, particularly in strongly right-handed individuals. The present experiments test three primary assumptions derived from this research. First,…

Presents a case study of a 31 year old man named Jared, who will be treated with Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy for his extensive trauma history. EMDR is guided by the adaptive information processing (AIP) model, which…

Le Développement et installation de ressources (DIR) est une procédure EMDR (désensibilisation et retraitement par les mouvements oculaires) développée afin de renforcer les associations positives dans les souvenirs positifs qui sont pleins de…

This uncontrolled prospective cohort study evaluated the use of accelerated resolution therapy (ART) for treatment of comorbid symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and major depressive disorder. Twenty-eight adult subjects, mean age of…

The article focuses on the effectiveness of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) in treating post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Research supports the concept of using eye movements in reducing the symptoms of PTSD. Researchers…

O objetivo do trabalho é apresentar uma revisão sobre o efeito dos movimentos oculares durante a exposição a memórias traumáticas a partir do paradigma da Teoria da Memória de Trabalho. Shapiro (2001) afirmou que a compreensão do mecanismo de ação do…

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is een veelgebruikte, effectieve therapievorm die onder andere voor posttraumatische stressstoornis (PTSS) gebruikt wordt. Imagination Inflation (II) kan optreden na het toepassen van…

Background: Controversy continues to exist regarding how EMDR works and whether its mechanisms differ from those at work in standard exposure techniques. Aims: To investigate first whether eye movement bilateral stimulation is an essential component…

Naar aanleiding van alle nieuwe onderzoeksresultaten over EMDR en de rol van het werkgeheugen (zie referentielijst), hebben de Nederlandse EMDR trainers (i.o.) zich gebogen over de consequenties van deze resultaten voor de praktijk. Ze zijn daarbij…

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing is a psychotherapy that enables people to heal from the symptoms and emotional distress that are the result of disturbing life experiences. Repeated studies show that by using Eye Movement Desensitization…

Een werkgeheugen rekening van Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is op grote schaal ondersteund door laboratoriumonderzoek. Taken die belasting werkgeheugen voldoende Het een traumatische gebeurtenis herinneren terwijl het…

The presence of craving is an important factor in continuing smoking. Following the Elaborated Intrusion (EI) theory of Desire, craving is effective through the formation of smoking-related mental images. In the current study, craving was generated…

Les Questions & réponses cliniques sont une rubrique régulière du Journal of EMDR Practice and Research dans laquelle des cliniciens chevronnés répondent à la question posée par un lecteur face à une difficulté clinique. Dans ce numéro, la…

This is a case presentation regarding the treatment of a severely traumatized woman formerly treated for depression and PTSD following incarceration in prison, “disappearance” of husband, and torture. After psychotherapy for several years, the…

Traumapsychotherapien mit EMDR sind 20 Jahre nach dessen Einführung unbestritten erfolgreich. Während die Wirkfaktoren noch erforscht werden, wenden Therapeuten es längst nicht mehr ausschließlich zur Behandlung schwerer Traumata an. Auch bei…

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is an effective treatment for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). During EMDR, patients make eye movements (EMs) while recalling traumatic memories, but recently therapists have replaced EMs by…

Research has consistently demonstrated that performance is degraded when participants engage in two simultaneous tasks that require the same working memory resources. This study tested predictions from working memory theory to investigate the effects…

The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of bilateral eye movements in the processing of long-term emotional memories, especially as it pertains to the treatment method for PTSD known as EMDR. EMDR utilizes methods similar to cognitive…

Resource development and installation (RDI) is an eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR)-related procedure developed to strengthen positive associations in positive and resourceful memories (Korn & Leeds, 2002). This study tested the…
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