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  • Tags: Psychosis

Participants will: 1) increase his/her knowledge about identifying post traumatic stress disorder in persons with psychosis; 2) increase his/her intereste in exploring the potential benefit of EMDR with clients with psychosis and trauma disorders; 3)…

Cette année, les commentaires de la toxicomanie met en évidence cinq aspects, dans une perspective bio-psycho-sociale: (1) La relation entre la méthadone et de cardiotoxicité. (2) L'introduction de la désensibilisation des mouvements oculaires et…

Episodes of significant depression have been a part of my life for as long as I can recall, but psychosis was unknown to me until I was in my mid-thirties, months after the birth of my second child. At first, all I recognized were the emerging…

The author will by means of oral presentation of clinical case material from patients seen as outpatients; didactic teaching and 'question and answer' explore the efficacy demonstrated by EMDR in a series of patients with disorders including…

Psychotic phenomena are one of the most challenging clinical presentations to treat, the most severe form being schizophrenia and poor outcome schizoaffective disorder. Schizophrenia is a severe enduring mental illness (SMI) and is characterised by…

The associations between trauma and psychosis are diverse and complex. The majority of people suffering from psychosis have been traumatized as a child and trauma appears to be an important causal factor in becoming psychotic later in life. About 35…

In dit artikel beschrijven wij drie interacties tussen trauma, psychose en PTSS: 1. Veel patiënten met psychosen hebben in hun leven traumatiserende ervaringen meegemaakt. Deze traumata spelen vaak een belangrijke rol in hun psychosen en in het…

Psychotic phenomena are challenging to treat. The most severe psychosis is schizophrenia, which has a heavy burden and reduced life expectancy through physical illness and suicide. Psychotherapy in psychosis is experiencing a renaissance and this…

Posttraumatic stress disorder is one of the most common comorbid conditions in patients with psychotic disorders. A large proportion of this group indicate that they want to be treated for their PTSD symptoms. Conversely, a psychotic disorder is…

Background: Initial studies have shown that posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can be effectivelytreated in patients with a psychotic disorder. These studies however used adapted treatment protocols, avoided direct exposure to trauma related…

In questo articolo descriveremo tre interazioni tra trauma, disturbo da stress post-traumatico (PTSD) e psicosi: 1. molti pazienti con disturbi psicotici hanno subito esperienze di vita traumatiche che giocano un ruolo fondamentale nell’insorgenza e…

What is the relationship between trauma, dissociation and psychosis? In this talk, I will discuss links between the historical concept of schizophrenia and dissociation, the meaning of ‘psychosis’, and interpretations of psychotic symptoms from a…

Interactions between trauma and biology, dissociation and psychosis are complex. Some cases could be more biologically based, and traumatic events may trigger a psychotic episode or contribute to the low-response to usual interventions. But traumatic…

Patients with a functional psychosis are more likely to have a history of trauma, symptoms of PTSD and may have been traumatised by their psychotic symptoms. We present an anonymised case series of patients (who have given consent) suffering from a…


Research shows that the majority of people with hallucinations or delusions have been the victimized during childhood. Experiencing childhood trauma triples the chance of psychosis in adulthood. Cognitive research shows that negative basic ideas…


The present study uses a within-group controlled design to examine the efficacy and safety of two psychological approaches to posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in 10 patients with a concurrent psychotic disorder. Patients were randomly assigned…

In order to treat psychosis with EMDR, one must have a psychological model that is consistent with the adaptive information processing model of EMDR, and with the targets of EMDR including traumatic material held in dissociated form in the psyche. In…

A significant proportion of clients with psychosis have experienced childhood trauma and suffer from comorbid posttraumatic stress disorder. Research indicates that exposure to distressing early life events plays an important role in the emergence…

Many patients with a functional psychosis are likely to have a history of trauma and symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD); some may be traumatized by their psychotic symptoms. We present a series of vignettes to describe eye movement…

Post-traumatic stress disorder is one of the most common co-morbid conditions in patients with psychotic disorders and negatively influences prognosis. Patients with psychosis are however excluded from effective psychotherapeutic treatment because…

EMDR and Prolonged Exposure are equally effective in treating PTSD, despite fundamental differences. For instance: in EMDR patients bring up their memory and look at it from a here-and-now perspective, but during Exposure patients are encouraged to…

Achtergrond: Van oudsher zijn psychotherapieën gericht op de verbale representaties (gedachten) van patiënten. Dit is onder andere nuttig gebleken in de cognitief gedragstherapeutische behandeling van psychose. Echter, steeds meer studies suggereren…

Therapies commonly used to treat posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are effective and safe for patients with comorbid PTSD and psychosis, new research suggests.

Un porcentaje signifi cativo de clientes con psicosis ha experimentado trauma infantil y sufre de trastorno de estrés postraumático comórbido. Las investigaciones indican que la exposición a eventos angustiosos los primeros años de vida juega un…

Psychotic disorders are the result of complex interactions between genes, vulnerability and environmental factors. Childhood abuse is such an environmental condition that results in disturbance of brain development, capacity to regulate stress and…


Beaucoup de patients souffrant de psychose fonctionnelle ont connu un passé traumatique et présentent des symptômes d'ESPT (état de stress post-traumatique) ; certains peuvent aussi être traumatisés par leurs propres symptômes psychotiques. Nous…

Hoe zijn jullie in dit werkveld van psychosebehandeling terecht gekomen en wat is aantrekkelijk in dit werk? “Alle drie zijn we bij toeval, via onze stage in het werkveld terecht gekomen. We raakten gefascineerd door het verschijnsel psychose en…


Interactions between trauma and biology in the development of severe mental disorders are complex. In schizophrenia or bipolar disorders traumatic events may have a role in triggering an acute episode or contribute to a low-response to usual…

This study presents secondary analyses of a recently published trial in which post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) patients with psychosis (n = 108) underwent 8 sessions of trauma-focused treatment, either prolonged exposure (PE) or eye movement…

This groundbreaking resource is the first to apply EMDR therapy to individuals with schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders. Written by the recognized world leader in using EMDR therapy to treat psychoses, the book delivers state-of-the-art…

Trauma is an important risk factor for developing psychotic symptoms. Both trauma and PTSD are highly prevalent in individuals with psychotic disorders, and PTSD and psychosis overlap and interact. Individuals with both psychotic experiences and PTSD…


In 2008, Martin Dorahy, Ingo Schäfer and I published a book called ‘Psychosis, Trauma and Dissociation’. It contained 24 chapters from experts throughout the world commenting on historical, research and clinical perspectives linking trauma,…

The lecture will give an overview of the framework of psychodermatology which highlights the role of stress and flares of chronic skin diseases. A paper on psychoneuroimmunology of stress and atopic dermatitis is discussed to provide a working…

Background: Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a psychotherapeutic approach that has demonstrated efficacy in the treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) through several randomized controlled trials (RCT). Solid…

We present 12-month follow-up results for a randomised controlled trial of prolonged exposure and eye movement desensitisation and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy in 85 (78.8%) participants with psychotic disorder and comorbid post-traumatic stress…


Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy is a psychotherapeutic approach with broad and growing empirical support. It is an internationally recommended approach for post‐traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This chapter summarizes…


Background:Psychological interventions, in particular those derived from cognitive- behavioural therapy frameworks, and eye movement desensitisation and reprocessing, are effective for reducing post-traumatic stress disorder and associated distress.…

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy targets emotionally disturbing visual memories of traumatic life events, and may be deployed as an efficacious treatment for posttraumatic stress disorder. A key element of EMDR therapy is…

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocess (EMDR) therapy was developed by Francine Shapiro, PhD, USA, 1987; it has successfully helped over a million individuals to treat psychological reactions to trauma; a number of other complaints including…

It has only been in this last decade that trauma-focused treatments (TFT) have been studied in patients with psychotic disorders. Before, the paradigm stated that TFT was contraindicated in these patients because clinicians and researchers assumed…

Background and aims: Bangladesh faces numerous developmental challenges. Starting from pressing poverty, discrimination, disparity, domestic and political violence to liberation war, recurring natural and man-made disasters left none to get away from…
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