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  • Tags: Virtual Reality Exposure

Purpose:The prevalence of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is higher among veterans, and can lead to disastrous consequences such as suicide. Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) is recommended in first-line psychotherapies for…

心理创伤(trauma)指由某种直接的外部力量(生活事件)或强烈的情绪伤害造成心理损伤,尤其是与这些生活事件有关的天灾人祸所引发的强烈的情感反应。目前心理创伤的评估主要采用量表问卷,如创伤性事件问卷、创伤应激评估量表等。心理创伤的治疗理论较多,比较常用的有心理动力学的心理创伤性治疗理论、眼动脱敏和再加工(EMDR)、整合发展治疗模型,虚拟现实技术,以及绘画治疗、舞蹈治疗和阅读以及创作疗法。Psychological trauma (trauma) refers directly by some…

The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have entirely altered the standard military response. Service members are being deployed more frequently and for increasing amounts of time. As a result, they are at a higher risk for mental health issues due to…

Fobies is van die mees algemene versteurings wat onder die aandag van terapeute en dokters kom. Die klassieke behandeling van keuse was SD (sistematiese desensitisasie), soms in kombinasie met hipnose. Meer onlangs het VR- (virtuele realiteit)…
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