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  • Tags: Attachment

No desenvolvimento existem muitas vezes dificuldades ao nível da estabilização dos vínculos com as figuras mais segurizantes. Neste contexto desenvolvem‐se angustias de separação, medos, ritualizações, etc. O EMDR tem demonstrado grande eficácia na…

El objetivo e nuestro articulo es plantear un protocolo de abordaje psicológico ante las dificultades que afectan a las familias con problemas de adaptación en casos de adopción. Partiendo de la perspectiva conceptual de la teoría del apego,…

Numerous studies have identified links between psychopathology and a history of traumatic life events and dysfunctional attachment relationships. Hence, given the possible traumatic origins of this pathology, it may be useful to provide a…

De nombreuses études ont identifié des liens entre la psychopathologie et des antécédents d’événement de vie traumatiques et de relations d’attachement dysfonctionnelles. Compte tenu des origines traumatiques possibles de cette pathologie, il…

Endogenous opiates play a major role in attachment and they are also involved in dissociative processes and somatoform dissociation. The presentation discusses the adjunctive use of opoid antagonists both during stabilization and trauma processing…

Endogenous opiates play a major role in attachment and they are also involved in dissociative processes and somatoform dissociation. The presentation discusses the adjunctive use of opoid antagonists both during stabilization and trauma processing…

Attachment challenges also occur at the societal level as individuals seek to integrate in a meaningful way into social groups and the larger society. An added dimension of clinical work awakens with a cultural context lens that understands social…

“Insecure attachment” also occurs on the societal level. All peo-ple experience another profound attachment challenge as they seek to integrate into the larger society. Many of our clients have been marginalized due to socio-economic background,…


EMDR Therapy with children is highly effective and can be very quick. But with our highly traumatised kids, trauma reprocessing can throw up as many challenges as working with adults with complex trauma. In this case study, Naomi will present the…

This workshop will explore the nature of insecure attachment and relevant EMDR procedures using bilateral stimulation from the perspective of the Adap-tive Information Processing (AIP) Model. The workshop will be presented in “sculpture” format…


Decades of research indicate that the provision of therapy is an interpersonal process in which a main curative component is the nature of the therapeutic relationship. Clinicians must remember that this is the foundation of our efforts to help…

Progress in neuroscience reveals that attachment learning, affect dysregulation, and traumatic experience are predominantly held in the right hemisphere (Schore, 2009). Therapists can access trauma and neglect held in the right hemisphere using EMDR,…

Mike will open the workshop by outlining the core concepts of attachment theory and discuss the empirical evidence supporting these. He will discuss the development of attachment theory referring to the neurobiology of secure attachment and…

This presentation will apply attachment theory, the Adaptive Information Processing model, and a "parts of self' perspective to conceptualize problems in romantic relationships, parent child relationships, and mental health life-long. Participants…


Dr. Parnell presents the five basic principles of Attachment-Focused EMDR and how they are implemented in the treatment of traumatized clients with attachment wounds"--Container

Integrating the latest in attachment theory and research into the use of EMDR. One of the hottest theoretical areas in psychotherapy—attachment—is combined with the use of EMDR to teach therapists a new way of healing clients with relational trauma…


Attachment, attunement, and resonance in the eight phases of EMDR enhance therapeutic outcomes. Patients with disorganized attachment processes may have complications that may make EMDR treatment more difficult. This workshop is designed to teach…


The defense system (freezing-­‐fight-­‐flight-­‐feigned death), that is set into motion in every individual by the exposure to any event that threatens life or bodily integrity in the self or in significant others, is terminated after the event is…

Many chronically traumatized children and families live in remote areas without access to specialized trauma treatment. Local practitioners need to be generalists and their isolated position often withholds them from taking the risk of opening up…

This article reviews recent findings in the developmental neurophysiology of children subjected to psychological trauma. Studies link extreme neglect and abuse with long-term changes in the nervous and endocrine systems. A growing body of research…

This paper reviews the issues of major importance in the current study of bonding and attachment. Adopted children and children who have spent some of their childhood in foster care account for a disproportionate number of unattached children. A…

Intimate partner violence (IPV) and femicides are prevalent in societies marked by patriarchy and misogyny. While women generally face a higher chance of victimization than men, one’s racial identity and social context can impact risks of…

When working with survivors of early, complex relational neglect and trauma, clinicians trained in EMDR therapy trained need a comprehensive framework for case formulation, treatment planning and developing a targeting sequence. This presentation…

Treating women suffering from trauma poses significant challenges. The diagnostic prototype of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is based on single-event trauma, such as sexual assault in adulthood. Several effective cognitivebehavioral…

Three case studies illustrate pre- and post-eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) adult attachment status as measured by the Adult Attachment Interview (AAI). Two adult males and one adult female presented for outpatient therapy; all…

We aimed to assess changes in the attachment internal working model and reflective function (RF) as mechanisms of change in eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) treatment for patients with traumatic memories. Twenty adult female…

The possibility of assigning control of psychotherapeutic processes to children, allows, when supervised, to create conditions for the resolution of traumatic events in a more natural and structured way. In this context was developed a new protocol…

ABSTRACT: La integración del EMDR con el uso de la imaginación (See Far CBT, Lahad) como un abordaje para el tratamiento de SEPT Complejo. El uso de la imaginación con cartas terapéuticas dentro de la Realidad Fantástica es una estrategia poderosa…

This presentation will focus on practical and creative strategies for working with children with severe dysregulation of the affective system. These include children exhibiting insecure patterns of attachment, complex PTSD and dissociative symptoms.…

La depressione postpartum rappresenta oggi un serio e disabilitante disturbo psichiatrico: ogni anno si stima che il 10-15% circa delle donne sviluppino una sintomatologia depressiva in seguito al parto. Sebbene nel corso degli anni siano cresciute…

The comprehension of the attachment's dynamics, from the adaptive information processing perspective, it is a necessary starting point to shed light on the complexity of the patient and the mechanisms resulting in the ego-states defenses formation.…

Gli autoriesaminano i diversi criteri diagnostici per il disturbo borderline di personalità, leggendoli secondo la prospettiva del modello dell’elaborazione adattiva dell’informazione e indicandoli come guida all’esplorazione e ricerca di ricordi…

Easy Attachment Resourcing for EMDR presents several user-friendly ego-state-based resources, fitted to the phases and prongs, for enhancing attachment skills, self-soothing, and maintaining dual attention during processing. Preparation phases: find…

El trauma de apego es una problemática que afecta a un gran número de personas en la población general, y especialmente en la clínica. Esta problemática influye en la formación de síntomas que deterioran la vida de la persona, principalmente a nivel…

Participants will learn to integrate EMDR into the longer-term treatment that is necessary where issues of attachment and relationship are paramount. Trauma treament of these clients involves an understanding of their unique personality…

The theory of attachment underlines how traumatic experiences from the parent's past—when stored in a dysfunctional way—can be reactivated in the parent caregiving system, emerging from an internal working model (IWM) of attachment that holds the…

Secondo Bowlby, le esperienze precoci del bambino con le proprie figure di attaccamento determinano rappresentazioni mentali - denominate Modelli Operativi Interni della relazione - che regolano aspetti centrali dello sviluppo come la regolazione…


Dr. Aduriz will show the importance of establishing a predictable and trusting relationship between the child and her adoptive parents so that the child can repair the severe early wounds inflicted on her by the relationship with her biological…

This book is about developing an integrative model of doing EMDR psychotherapy in a multi-faceted way in order to get close to children's reality and to help them and their families heal. It explains how emphasis has to be placed on several…

Children who have experienced abuse and neglect can be challenging for even the seasoned child therapist. This chapter describes an empirically supported treatment approach for such children: Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR),…
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