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  • Tags: Eating Disorders

This workshop will address the spectrum of eating disordered behaviors from a trauma perspective with EMDR therapy. Individuals are rarely born with distorted eating patterns. An increasing number of studies make the connection between adverse life…

Everything we have heard we are, and the way we were told to be, is tied to our image. Behind this there is a meaning that in people with Eating Disorders acquires a value that ends up becoming the centre of their lives, around which they revolve.…

A vignette is a brief case report that makes a contribution to the literature, but which has used only EMDR's standard protocol measures. This vignette describes the treatment of a woman who developed a severe choking phobia following an allergic…

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy is being used by some clinicians to treat eating disorders. Although there is anecdotal and case study data supporting its use, there are no controlled studies examining its effectiveness…

Eating-disordered clients begin treatment with a series of unique and specific behavioral symptoms such as binge eating, bingeing and purging, starving themselves, or overexercising, that impede progress when using purely verbal therapies. The…

Eating Disorders are complex, multifaceted conditions with can have severe physical, social and psychological ramifications. Obsessive concern about food, weight, and appearance, inappropriate eating behaviour and body image distortions are threads…

Basándonos en años de experiencia con los trastornos alimentarios (TA), el tratamiento más adecuado es el que trata los aspectos que dan origen al trastorno, en lugar de centrarse en el síntoma de manera aislada. Sin lugar a dudas, la terapia EMDR…

Basándonos en años de experiencia con los trastornos alimentarios (TA), el tratamiento más adecuado es el que trata los aspectos que dan origen al trastorno, en lugar de centrarse en el síntoma de manera aislada. Sin lugar a dudas, la terapia EMDR…

Everything we have heard we are, and the way we were told to be, is tied to our image. Behind this there is a meaning that in people with Eating Disorders acquires a value that ends up becoming the centre of their lives, around which they revolve.…

Numerous studies have identified links between psychopathology and a history of traumatic life events and dysfunctional attachment relationships. Hence, given the possible traumatic origins of this pathology, it may be useful to provide a…

De nombreuses études ont identifié des liens entre la psychopathologie et des antécédents d’événement de vie traumatiques et de relations d’attachement dysfonctionnelles. Compte tenu des origines traumatiques possibles de cette pathologie, il…

Clinicians often struggle with understanding the functional dynamics of Eating Disorders (ED). To successfully treat ED with EMDR, clinicians must be able to identify two crucial aspects of the core issues underlying these disorders: defenses and…

Eating disorders (EDs) require a multidisciplinary approach, rather than a hammer-and-nail perspective. Based upon recent research and more than a decade of clinical experience, this article highlights the need to include a trauma-informed and…

Caroline is 23 jaar als ze zich op onze afdeling Eetstoornissen aanmeldt. Ze heeft dan sinds een jaar last van vreetbuien en braken en is 10 kilo aangekomen. Ze wil geholpen worden voor haar eetstoornis. Bij de intake vertelt ze dat de eetstoornis…

Un difficile rapporto con il cibo è spesso sintomo di un dolore più profondo che nasce da problematiche di controllo, bassa autostima, colpa e vergogna, che possono essere generate da eventi critici o traumatici. Questo libro ha l’obiettivo di…

In recent years clinical practice has recorded an increasing number of clients diagnosed with Trauma-related EDs. This kind of clients have often a comorbidity with Personality Disorders, mostly in the borderline spectrum. Clinicians challenge was…

Child sexual abuse appears to be one of the risk factors for both obesity and eating disorders, especially in Anorexia and Bulimia Nervosa. This trauma-based approach appears to be particularly important for women victims of child sexual abuse, who…

Background: The Eating Beliefs Questionnaire (EBQ) is a 27-item self-report measure that assesses positive and negative beliefs about binge eating. It has been validated and its factor structure explored in a non-clinical sample. This study tested…

EMDR therapy can actively address the characteristics underlying Eating Disorders (EDs) such as Anorexia Nervosa (AN), Bulimia Nervosa (BN), and Binge Eating Disorders (BED), leading to a significant improvement in the symptoms associated with these…

In this presentation a new protocol will be described which combines EMDR and cue exposure in the treatment of binge eating disorder. Reason to adjust the cue exposure protocol by Jansen (1997) is that it is primarily aimed at extinction of the…

BackgroundEating Disorders (ED) are serious diseases with significant morbidity and mortality. The approach to treatment is multidisciplinary and psychotherapy is crucial in ED treatments. The aim of the study is to evaluate early stages (first three…

This workshop will focus on EMDR in eating disorders, particularly Anorexia Nervosa, commencing with a review of the evidence base particularly in relation to EMDR and perspective on aetiology / causations. The discussion will focus on physical risks…

Onveilige hechting en vroegkinderlijke trauma’s liggen aan de basis van veel problemen die onze cliënten ervaren in hun dagelijkse leven en zij leiden tot disfunctionele gedachten- en gedragspatronen. In de babyfase ontwikkelt zich het (sociale)…

Todo lo que nos han dicho que somos y como nos han dicho que somos se vincula a nuestra imagen, detrás de esto hay un significado que en las personas con Trastornos Alimentarios (TA) cobra un valor que acaba convirtiéndose en el centro de sus vidas,…

We understand a therapeutic group, here the EMDR-group, analog to the opinion of Watzlawick et al., Koffka and Grinberg as a multiplicity that is more than only the sum of the individuals. An individual is a part of a group, who expresses himself in…

Frequently for clients with eating disorders their complex histories contain many trauma experiences suggesting the potential illustration of EMDR as an adjunctive psychological treatment intervention. Although the amount of evidence based practice…

Background and aims: During the presentation an innovative EMDR protocol of intervention for Anorexia Nervosa (AN) will be described. Particular attention will be addressed to specific parts of the protocol in order to explain some of the essential…

The study shows use of EMDR therapeutic method in treatment of eating disorders with binge eating episodes with and without purging with clients treated with cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy. Dissatisfaction with the client’s own body and…

I Disturbi del comportamento alimentare per la complessità che li caratterizza comportano spesso problematiche relative alla diagnosi, alla scelta del trattamento primario e al tipo di terapia. Il Workshop si propone di rispondere al quesito: “da…

A partire dalle ricerche più attuali sui Disturbi del Comportamento Alimentare il volume indica la necessità di un metodo psicoterapeutico che intervenga direttamente sulle esperienze traumatiche precoci, per consentirne l'elaborazione e la…

Renee Beer en Hellen Hornsveld bespreken in deze presentatie toepassingsmogelijkheden van EMDR bij patiënten met uiteenlopende eetstoornissen. Eerder is over dit onderwerp gepresenteerd door beide spreeksters op een EMDR Netwerkavond in 2004 en op…

El TCA es un síndrome diagnóstico concreto de origen complejo y afectación multidimensional, cuyo tratamiento debe ser capaz de llegar de la superficie al recoveco. Los profesionales de TCA disponen en el EMDR de un modelo psicológico capaz de dar…

Patients with Anorexia Nervosa usually receive a multi-focused treatment program, where EMDR and Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) can play a complementary role. However, results are often disappointing and therefore new ideas and techniques are…

Studies on the risks and on the positive factors implied in the onset of anorexia nervosa (AN) have reported the role of an insecure or disorganized state of mind (SoM) with respect to attachment. We compare the effects of eyes movement…

Dit hoofdstuk is voortgekomen uit enthousiasme voor EMDR. Eetstoornissen (anorexia nervosa, boulimia nervosa en binge eating disorder) staan bekend als moeilijk te behandelen. Behandeling van patiënten met eetstoornissen vindt bij voorkeur plaats…

Eetstoornissen zijn ernstige ziektebeelden met een grote kans op een chronisch beloop, hoge morbiditeitcijfers en veel co-morbiditeit (van Elburg & Rijken, 2004). In de DSM IV worden verschillende eetstoornissen onderscheiden: Anorexia Nervosa,…

Die stationare Essstorungstherapie lasst sich in vier Phasen unterteilen: Die Stabilisierungsphase, die Ressourcenorganisation, die Exposition und die Neuorientierungsphase. Fur diese Behandlungsphasen lassen sich Methoden der modernen Traumatherapie…

This presentation will discuss the relevance of EMDR in the treatment of eating disorders generally before focussing specifically on its role in the treatment of anorexia. EMDR is utilised as part of a treatment package which recognises the complex…

Different opportunities for integrating EMDR in the treatment of adolescents and adults with an eating disorder will be clarified and demonstrated. A transdiagnostic approach on eating disorders was introduced by Fairburn (2003), resulting in a…

This presentation will familiarize participants with an overview of the assessment, case conceptualization, and methodology involved in the treatment of persons with Obsessive Complusive Disorder (OCD) and Eating Disorders (ED). OCD and ED will be…

One of the most difficult questions for clinicians to answer when working with EDs is how to begin treatment once they get to phase 2. In many cases, the therapist may get confused with which direction to take when reaching this point in treatment.…

Research carried out in ED has investigated the relationship between traumatic events, in particular during infancy, and the development of an eating behaviour disorder, reporting significant empirical evidence. The perceptions, bodily sensations,…

A clear and comprehensive guide to using EMDR in clinical practice. This edited collection—a follow-up to Shapiro’s successful EMDR Solutions—presents step-by-step instructions for implementing EMDR approaches to treat a range of issues, written by…
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