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EMDRは、その主な苦情吃音た彼の30年代の男性のクライアントに適用した。 EMDRが完了すると、彼は吃音吃音恐怖症として処方した。いいえ発症前外傷は彼の歴史の中で見られなかった。…

The author will by means of oral presentation of clinical case material from patients seen as outpatients; didactic teaching and 'question and answer' explore the efficacy demonstrated by EMDR in a series of patients with disorders including…

A vignette is a brief case report that makes a contribution to the literature, but which has used only EMDR's standard protocol measures. This vignette describes the treatment of a woman who developed a severe choking phobia following an allergic…

Este artículo postula una relación unívoca, causa efecto entre la existencia de un trauma y la aparición posterior de una fobia. Estos traumas pueden ser de distinta naturaleza, pueden ser recordados y relacionados con la fobia, recordados y no…

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Este artículo postula una relación unívoca, causa efecto entre la existencia de un trauma y la aparición posterior de una fobia. Estos traumas pueden ser de distinta naturaleza, pueden ser recordados y relacionados con la fobia, recordados y no…

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Two claustrophobic subjects were treated with eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR), a new treatment for induced anxiety disorders. Both subjects were interviewed to construct detailed images of fear-related events before treatment.…

EMDR is een gevalideerde behandelmethode voor psychisch trauma. Maar niet altijd leidt het meemaken van een vervelende gebeurtenis tot PTSS: angsten of fobieën zullen veel vaker het gevolg zijn. In veel gevallen is de behandeling van een fobische…

Curry: The theory behind this therapy, often called EMDR, is that when a disturbing event occurs, it can get locked in the nervous system with the original picture, sounds, thoughts, and feelings. The eye movement purportedly serves to unlock the…

EMDR in the treatment of darkness phobia in children: 1. Overview of Darkness Phobia: A. Assessment of Childhood Phobias; B. Definition; C. Prevalence; D. Consequences. 2. Treatment Literature on Darkness Phobia: A. Invivo Exposure; B. Imaginal…

This workshop focuses on the clinical application of EMDR with specific phobias. There are a number of advantages in using EMDR for the treatment of specific phobias compared to other approaches, such as exposure in vivo. One of the most important…


Construct:Behavioral Avoidance Purpose:The purpose of the Behavioral Avoidance Test is to assess actual avoidance of spiders in spider phobic individuals. Administration Method: Other Summary: Constructed in the course of a study investigating the…

During this journey, we shall study prerequisites and conditions of reprocessing the birth memories. We will approach the theory of the stress and intense stress. It will be question about the “3 F” Peter Levine's theory and the polyvagal theory. We…

EMDR, that includes bilateral stimulation, causes the desensitization and reprocessing of traumatic memories, thus reducing anxiety, distress, fear, and other symptoms related with several anxiety disorders. Previous results show it is effective in…

I have been using a short EMDR session along the same protocol lines as Parnell(1999), being less pedantic about the ordered protocol set-up. While the patient tells me about self and their issues, I consider the necessary approach. In this case the…

In their 1996 paper, Bates, McGlynn, Montgomery, and Mattke were critical of eye-movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) as an effective method of behavior therapy. The present commentary challenges the Bates et al. review of the literature,…

Au cours de ce voyage, nous visiterons les pré-requis et conditions de retraitement des mémoires de naissance. Nous aborderons la théorie du stress, élargirons notre capacité d’ouverture à accueillir l’inconcevable et à le faire émerger en sécurité…

Provides information on Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing therapy (EMDR), a single-session cure for post-traumatic stress disorder, addictions and phobias. Invention of EMDR; Details of an EMDR therapy; Controversy surrounding the…

Editor's Note: Dr Campbell-Beattie provides us with a creative, three session EMDR case utilizing both visual/light and auditory bilateral stimulation to resolve a cat phobia. Readers may especially appreciate his example of the potential value of…

Our results suggest that there are at least some reasons to be uncertain about the EMDR therapeutic outcome in the case of spider phobia.

Multiple measures of fear of spiders were acquired during in vivo tests once before and several times after 7 subjects were exposed to an experimental rendition of eye-movement desensitization. The pre- and posttreatment measures were compared with…

A series of single-case experiments was used to evaluate the application of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) to traumatically induced dental phobia. Following two to three sessions of EMDR treatment, three of the four patients…

Bakgrund: Jag vet inte hellervad somliander nar man anvander EMDR (Eyernovement desensitization andrq, roessii.lg}. Emellertid vetjag av egen erfarenhetatt for en legitirnerad psykopeut iir det en oerhort effektiv metod, speciellt ibehandling av…

Clinical hypnosis and EMDR have both been employed in the treatment of phobias. EMDR has been a controversial treatment method with the research showing mixed results concerning its efficacy. Many studies have shown the effectiveness of hypnosis in…

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) has been shown to be a structured, noninvasive, time-limited, and evidence-based treatment for the processing of memories of traumatic conditioning events and related symptomatology. There is a…

When a person starts to demonstrate an excessive and unreasonable fear of certain objects or situations that in reality are not dangerous, it is likely that the person fulfils the criteria for specific phobia as stated in the Diagnostic and…

Managing dissociative interference when treating individuals with early repetitive traumatization requires recognition, then direct intervention. The “phobias of structural dissociation” are especially helpful in recognizing the less readily apparent…

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is an integrative psychotherapy approach that has been consistently evaluated as efficacious in the treatment of PTSD. The information processing model that guides its clinical application posits…

Nogal wat auteurs geven hoog op van de effecten die met Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) te behalen zijn bij de behandeling van angststoornissen. Voor een aanzienlijk deel steunen deze loftuigingen op dubieuze casuïstiek, dat wil…

Les phobies spécifiques (PS) se caractérisent par une peur irraisonnée et incontrôlable d’un objet ou d’une situation, conduisant à des mécanismes d’évitement et altérant significativement le bien-être d’un individu. Les PS sont classées parmi les…


It is estimated that more than 40% of the general population suffers from one or more fears of a specific object or situation at some times in their lives. Since EMDR is capable of resolving disturbing memories of events that are critical in the…

In a randomized controlled trial, eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) for panic disorder with agoraphobia (PDA) was compared with both waiting list and credible attention-placebo control groups. EMDR was significantly better than…

Traumatic experiences have been described as a powerful learning experience and therefore an important aetiological factor in certain phobias (Doering et al, 2013). Specific phobias which induce a marked anxiety or sense of panic in individuals…


The therapeutic effectiveness of EMDR has been wel1 documented since 1989, but the technique is far from reaching its optimal utilisation in the clinical and psychological world. I wish to present a case in which the improvement on the part of the…

Aims: To test the hypothesis that one session EMDR is more effective for the treatment of specific (animal) phobia than relaxation immediately after treatment and at follow-up. Secondly to test whether an additional one-session exposure therapy…

L’EMDR est une méthode de thérapie qui a été validée empiriquement et qui est reconnue pour le traitement du TSPT. Vue son modèle théorique du traitement adaptatif de l’information, qui propose que les dysfonctions du présent, les psychopathologies…

He was even afraid of the bedroom he shared with his wife. Panic attacks also interfered with his job. After trying prescription medication, he eventually turned to clinical psychotherapist Carmen Collier for help at New Wellness Associates in Green…

Professionell EMDR-Berichte dokumentieren.Diese Formularreihe stellt Ihnen EMDR-Protokolle direkt zum Ausfüllen, im DIN A4 Format bereit. Speziell für EMDR Therapeuten und Coaches, damit Sie immer an alle rechtlichen und relevanten Informationen…


Fear and anxiety in childhood, although unpleasant, can be looked upon as an adaptive mechanism and as markers of progression in cognitive development. The evolution from transient, concrete fears of animals to more elaborate fears of supernatural…

Two multiple personality disorder patients with severe, persistent phobias were treated using Eye Movement Desensitization/Reprocessing (EMDR). Both patients achieved significantly beneficial results with a single session in one patient and two…

Road Traffic Incidents are the most common cause of PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) in the UK. Travel phobia is a frequent comorbid condition in these cases and in some cases the primary disorder with which clients present. This paper addresses…

Uitgevoerd een cross-over studie van de werkzaamheid van EMDR en in vivo exposure bij de behandeling van spinangst bij kinderen en adolescenten. Human Ss: 22 Nederlandse school-kinderen en adolescenten (leeftijd van 10-14 jaar) (spinangst). Ss werden…

EMDR or Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing is a new treatment procedure for persons suffering from trauma and phobias. Recently developed, it offers the potential for fairly rapid treatment for persons suffering from post-traumatic stress…

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Unleash the Power of Hypnosis and Transform Your Life You feel trapped. Every day is a constant struggle against the ghosts of your past, the irrational fears that seem to rule your life, and the traumas that persist no matter how hard you try to…

Les phobies sont des pathologies fréquentes dont l'étiopathogénie est multifactorielle. Actuellement, le traitement repose essentiellement sur les antidépresseurs et sur la thérapie cognitivo-comportementale (TCC). L'EMDR (Eye-Movement…

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