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  • Tags: Theory

Now recognised by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) and the World Health Organization as a treatment of choice for post-traumatic stress disorder, it appears that eye movement desensitisation and reprocessing (EMDR) has…

EMDR therapy directly addresses the physiologically stored memory networks that underlie both psychological problems and mental health. The adaptive information processing model guides both case conceptualization and clinical application. The model…

Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing was developed by Francine Shapiro, PhD as a treatment for trauma-related disorders. Although EMDR has been used primarily as therapy for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), it has also been used for…

EMDR, sigle qui signifie Eyes Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, peut se traduire par Intégration neuro-émotionnelle par les mouvements oculaires. Découverte en 1987 aux Etats-Unis par Francine Shapiro, l'EMDR est un traitement de choix pour…

O EMDR é recomendado nos seguintes casos: Ansiedade. Fobias e desordem de pânico No manejo de dor crônica Luto Dependência química e adições Obesidade. Instalação de recursos positivos. Aprimoramento do desempenho. Depressão Quadros dissossiativos…

Background: A substantial body of research shows that adverse life experiences contribute to both psychological and biomedical pathology. Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy is an empirically validated treatment for trauma,…

Nel1989 ilJournal of Traumatic Stress pubblico un articolo in cui Shapiro (1989) esponeva un nuovo metodo di terapia del Disturbo Post-traumatico da Stress basato suHa desensibilizzazione mediante movimenti oculari, con i quali Ia psicologa sarebbe…

La letteratura contemporanea più avanzata pone al centro dell'interesse psicoterapeutico il ruolo svolto dalle cosiddette "memorie somatiche" nella genesi e del mantenimento di ampia parte della psicopatologia, non solo di tipo post-traumatico. Oltre…

Research suggests that many newly trained EMDR therapists feel deskilled, disempowered and unsupported following their basic training and struggle to transform the theory into their own particular practice. This pre-conference workshop is aimed at…

Entdeckerin und Entwicklerin der Methode ist Francine Shapiro Ph. D., eine Forscherin am Mental Research Institute in Palo Alto (Kalifornien). Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) fand zuerst Anwendung bei den psychotraumatischen…

Many childhood experiences are infused with a sense of powerlessness, lack of choice, lack of control and inadequacy. Even the best childhoods have moments such as when a parent goes out for the evening, in which the child feels abandoned, powerless…

Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (emdr) is een behandelmethode die sterk aan populariteit aan het winnen is. Een belangrijke reden daarvoor is dat deze evidence-based procedure door internationale expert panels en adviescommissies wordt…

The EMDR Revolution educates readers about a revolutionary psychotherapy called EMDR, which stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. The main parts of the book include a series of case studies and each case study includes lessons…

This presentation will provide a context by introducing eye movement desensitisation and reprocessing (EMDR). The history of the development of EMDR by Francine Shapiro will be described. The theoretical rationale of EMDR (the adaptive information…

In questa presentazione la psicoterapia integrata con EMDR viene definita sulla base delle due tecniche principali di questa metodologia clinica: 1. le attivit� di Focalizzazioni Mentali Multiple su immagini, cognizioni e sensazioni corporee e sul…

Le autrici ,una psichiatra e una psicologa riflettono sulla loro esperienza con EMDR. Prendono lo spunto da due casi di abuso sessuale in famiglia vissute da bambine da due loro pazienti, anche se il motivo iniziale della richiesta di aiuto era stato…

Eye movement desensitisation and reprocessing (EMDR) is an effective treatment for alleviating trauma symptoms, and the positive effects of this treatment have been scientifically confirmed under well-controlled conditions. This has provided an…

What you will learn: Applications for Eye Movement Desensitisation & Reprocessing Empirical status and advantages such as EMDR therapy being considered an “A” level treatment for trauma, recommended by organizations such as the World Health…

Traumas psicológicos trazem consequências emocionais e físicas. Quem passou por um trauma geralmente lembra da situação com certa frequência e o sofrimento vivido vem à tona fazendo com que a pessoa reviva o momento. Angústia profunda, sensação de…

De letters EMDR staan voor Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. Francine Shapiro, een Amerikaanse psychologe, introduceerde eind jaren tachtig deze nieuwe interventiermethode om mensen te behandelen die lijden onder psychotraumatische…

Lambert en Barley (2001) komen in hun review van tientallen onderzoeken naar de resultaten van psychotherapie tot de volgende conclusies: Toepassen van de methodiek (in dit geval EMDR) maakt 15% van het resultaat uit. Nog eens 15% is toe te schrijven…

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) är en behandlingsmetod för plågsamma minnen och dess psykologiska konsekvenser. Metoden kom till mera av en slump än utifrån teoretiska överväganden. Den amerikanska psykologen Francine Shapiro…

The aim of the presentation is to offer a background from the findings of the 700 cases to understand how clinicians employed the use of EMDR against the background of other therapies: 1. To consider the efficacy of this approach 2. To question…

It doesn’t matter how long the memories have been stored and for how long they have been exerting a negative effect on the child. Children reprocess their traumas more quickly in EMDR than in other therapies and becomes desensitized to the painful…

This presentation will introduce the basics of EMDR therapy and provide an overview of treatment. Both the theoretical foundation and recent research findings will be explored. EMDR is an evidence-based psychotherapy supported by more than 20…

For skeptics, Wheeler points to the research. She indicates that more than 27 randomized clinical trials have shown EMDR to be effective for PTSD and adds that the American Psychiatric Association, the Veterans Administration Department of Defense…

Dit drukbezochte congres begon met drie workshops waarin ‘nieuwe’ behandelvormen werden gepresenteerd: Transference focused psychotherapy (TFP), de Kortdurende psychoanalytische steungevende psychotherapie (KPSP) en de Eye movement desensitisation…

EMDR therapy directly addresses the physiologically stored memory networks that underlie both psychological problems and mental health. This adaptive information processing orientation to both case conceptualization and clinical application will be…

Therapists need to understand how evidence based practice drives choice points in treatment planning and intervention. Researchease is not a misspelling, but the concept of helping therapists learn how to read, understand, and discuss research with…

El modelo teórico en que se basa el EMDR, es el Sistema de Procesamiento de la Información a Estados Adaptativos (SPIA). Este modelo postula que mucho de la psicopatología se debe a la codificación mal adaptativa y/o procesamiento incompleto de…

If you learn about the accomplishments of Francine Shapiro, you will quickly discover that she is a humanitarian who cares deeply about the well being of people. In addition to all of these great successes, she also offers various different…

Mensen met een verstandelijke beperking die kampen metpsychiatrische stoornissen hebben gespecialiseerde zorg nodig. Kristal wil de reguliere GGZ voor hen toegankelijk maken en biedt die zorg. De eerste onderzoeksresultaten zijn veelbelovend.People…

Role theory/therapy was developed almost one hundred years ago, and one of its greatest innovators was Jacob Moreno, the founder of Psychodrama and Group Psychotherapy. This workshop will present the use of eight-­‐phase EMDR treatment approach as a…

Even with her emphasis on fidelity to the protocols of EMDR, Shapiro acknowledges the importance of the therapeutic alliance. She described the execution of EMDR as an essential interaction between client, method, and clinician. This workshop…

This workshop will focus on the benefits of EMDR to the therapist, rather than to the client (for whom they are already well established!). It will examine the therapeutic relationship that is made necessary by the AIP, where in the therapist now…

Par la présentation détaillée d’un cas de burn-out, nous découvrirons ensemble comment une approche intégrée en psycho-dynamique et en EMDR enrichit la compréhension et le traitement du client et le travail du thérapeute. Nous insisterons sur…

Twenty years ago, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) began as a clinical technique used to help clients reprocess major traumatic experiences. Since then, EMDR has developed into a comprehensive psychotherapy approach which is also…

This film weaves personal stories into discussion about Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing's evolution and remarkable development. Researchers and practitioners from across the world share their reflections about EMDR's early days when…

Wat is het toch dat EMDR zo bijzonder maakt? Hoe kunnen we de blije verbazing verklaren van therapeuten die ermee werken en van patiënten die het ondergaan? Vermoedelijk heeft het ermee te maken dat wat we waarnemen bij EMDR, niet strookt met wat we…

Voor een tijdje nu EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is niet meer uitsluitend gebruikt voor de behandeling van directe effecten van psychologische trauma's, zoals PTSS. De behandelmethode wordt steeds toegepast in een grote…

Het Handboek EMDR is het leerboek bij de EMDR basistrainingen die door de Vereniging EMDR Nederland worden erkend. Wat in het handboek ontbreekt, is informatie over de behandeling van lastige problematiek en ernstig beschadigde patiënten. Het…

This week, readers of the Consults blog posed questions about eye movement desensitization and reprocessing, or E.M.D.R., a psychological therapy pioneered by Francine Shapiro that uses eye movements and other procedures to process traumatic…

Objetivos de aprendizagem: • Identificar quando começar uma sessão de EMDR; • Nomear as principais limitações do uso de EMDR; • Demonstrar quanto de estimulação é necessária em uma sessão de EMDR; • Definir quais são as principais decisões que…

História de EMDR; os estudos controlados; de EMD para EMDR; o cérebro traumatizado.History of EMDR, controlled studies; EMD to EMDR, the brain injured.

EMDR (Desensibilización y Reprocesamiento por Movimientos Oculares) es un abordaje terapéutico novedoso y efectivo. Desarrollado por Francine Shapiro a partir de 1987, ha concitado la atención de clínicos e investigadores, contando al día de la fecha…
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