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  • Tags: Children and Adolescents

Sammendrag Problemområde: Det er gjort begrenset forskning på bruken av de kreative art-terapiene, når det gjelder barn med PTSD (Goodman, Chapman & Gant (2009). Foreløpig finnes det kun en randomisert kontrollert studie (Chapman, Morabito,…

The use of EMDR with younger age children presents extra challenges for the practitioner who often needs to include the child’s parents/carers as a resource in the treatment process. Parents /carers can become the child’s spokesperson through…

In May 2000, a firework depot exploded in the city of Enschede (The Netherlands), leaving 22 people dead, 947 injured, more than 500 houses destroyed, and about 1500 houses significantly damaged. In total, 4, 163 people were affected, including many…

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought trauma, adversity and distress to most parents and children. In addition, it has exacerbated previous and generational trauma as they had to endure losses, seclusion, financial hardships, and a lack of social…

Twenty children and adolescents were treated for a single traumatic memory with a single session of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR). Treatment was delayed 1 m for half the group. Over half of the 20 participants moved from…

The aim of this study was to describe and evaluate the clinical pattern of 14 youths with presenting suicidality, to describe an integrative treatment approach, and to estimate therapy effectiveness. Fourteen patients aged 10 to 18 years from a child…

One challenge in using EMDR with children and adolescents is that when kid say they’re done, the processing might not really be complete.

This workshop is designed for clinicians who treat children, adolescents, and adults who are seeking to deepen their understanding of EMDR principles, protocols, and procedures. The presenter will present an overview of important theoretical concepts…

Damage occurs to a child’s self in the context of relationship when raised in an environment of abuse and neglect. This damage to self is manifested through disruptions in development. A child or adolescent will be unable to perform tasks a…

Many chronically traumatized children and families live in remote areas without access to specialized trauma treatment. Local practitioners need to be generalists and their isolated position often withholds them from taking the risk of opening up…

Traumatized children frequently exhibit symptoms of disorders other than PTSD. There is evidence of comorbidity between PTSD, depression and other behavioral disorders and a large overlap in symptom criteria between PTSD and depression in children…

Aim: This study aimed to generate descriptive data relating to Birmingham Psychotherapy Services for People with Intellectual Disabilities in order to: a) Provide an understanding of the key characteristics of clients using the service. b) Identify…

Children, Adolescents, and EMDR: A closer look In February of 1998, about four months after the devastation wrought by Hurricane Paulina, a team of Mexican therapists along with two EMDR-HAP members as “technical advisors” (myself and Judy Albert)…

This special interest group is devoted to fostering the development and availablity of EMDR for children and adolescents. Possible SIG sponsored activities may include: information clearinghouse; development of practice and training standards;…

This Good Practice Guide is part of a set of three Guides that have been developed by ECRE member agencies active in the field of reception and integration of refugees. The Guides cover educational advice to refugees, working with older refugees, and…

After a theoretical introduction to EMDR, this workshop will focus on several applications on acute and chronic trauma. Due to the complexity of problems related to chronic traumatisation, attention will also be focussed on how to embed EMDR in an…

In the UK, The Trauma Response Network has been providing free EMDR therapy to children and young people affected in one way or the other by Covid-19 and its consequences. In line with the national and international picture which showed that during…

BackgroundTicks are a common clinical manifestation of discomfort in children and adolescents. Characterized by the need of involuntary movements or sounds it as a potential implication in the developed of the youngers, especially because it affects…

Efficacy of EMDR and TF-CBT for posttraumatic stress symptoms (PTSS) was explored through meta-analysis. A comprehensive search yielded 494 studies of children and adolescents with PTSS who received treatment with these evidence-based therapeutic…

Background:Practice guidelines for childhood posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) recommend trauma-focused psychotherapies, mainly cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy is a brief…

This workshop will present creative and innovative strategies for engaging young clients through telehealth while following the 8 phases of standard EMDR therapy. Beginning with a telehealth checklist, therapists will be guided through advanced…

Welke gezichten gaan er schuil achter de hardwerkende behandelaren van psychotrauma, wat zijn hun drijfveren, waarom kozen ze voor het vak en waar zijn ze door beïnvloed? Eli ten Lohuis interviewt psychotherapeuten Carlijn de Roos en Renée Beer,…

IntroductionEye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) has abundant evidence of efficacy in traumatic spectrum disorders. Its efficacy in anxiety disorders (AD) and depressive disorders (DD) in children and adolescents has been scarcely…

Inhoud van de workshop: Dissociatie en trauma zijn nauw met elkaar verbonden. Dissociatieve stoornissen worden toch vaak niet herkend en dissociatieve stoornissen bij kinderen gelden als controversieel. Kinder- en jeugdpsychiaters leren in de…

This presentation will summarise the work undertaken by the Standing Committee and describe the developments in Disaster, Crisis and Trauma Psychology as they relate to children and adolescents. Post Traumatic Stress Reactions are now well described…

•I will begin with a brief 5-minute outline of how I got to the point I am at now, with one case example of a child whom I worked with. •I will talk about TA and how it informs my therapeutic EMDR work with children, with 3 case examples (15 minutes)…

The i-test was developed to assess the visual-perceptual disturbances (VPDs) frequently reported by anxious patients. Persons with the disturbance report a specific abnormal illusion of movement when they maintain a fixed gaze at the i-test stimulus.…

EMDR's use with children and adolescents has come a long way since EMDR was introduced ten years ago.

This workshop will provide a comprehensive system for effectively applying the eight phases of the EMDR protocol with any age client. Participants will learn: 1) Three critical components of effective EMDR Case Conceptualization with children; 2)…

The main purpose of this systematic review was to compare the effectiveness of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) in children and adolescents who experienced trauma. Empirical studies suggest…

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensibilisierung und Wiederaufbereitung) hat sich als ein unabhängiger, effektiver und empirisch validierten Ansatz für die Behandlung von chronischen posttraumatischen Belastungsstörung (PTSD) bei Erwachsenen. Diese Arbeit gibt…

EMDR ist als ein effektives und ökonomisches Verfahren zur Behandlung von chronischer PTBS bei Erwachsenen anerkannt. Dieses Poster verdeutlicht die Effektivität von EMDR bei psychisch traumatisierten Kindern und Jugendlichen. Die kontrollierten…

On trouvera ici un résumé de tous les articles qui ont étudié le traitement par l’EMDR d’enfants et d’adolescents traumatisés. L’efficacité du traitement est établie par plus de quinze études. Le présent article examine les effets de l’EMDR sur le…

This paper aims to describe on-going research on the evaluation of efficacy of EMDR as a treatment for post traumatic stress symptomatology in children who have been in road traffic accidents. Various cognitive measures were used to see which of them…

La Terapia de Desensibilización y Reprocesamiento por Movimientos Oculares (EMDR por sus siglas en inglés) es uno de los tratamientos de elección para el trauma y su sintomatología asociada, en adultos. Dado el escaso número de estudios en población…

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) ist die zur Zeit effektivste und schonendste Behandlungsform für Menschen mit durch Traumata bedingte Störungen, insbesondere einer posttraumatischen Belastungsstörung. Thomas Hensel stellt in…

Im vorliegenden Buch werden in einer umfassenden Übersicht die aktuellen Methoden der Traumatherapie im Kindes- und Jugendalter detailliert vorgestellt. Namhafte und erfahrene Vertreter der verschiedenen Therapieverfahren präsentieren die…

Jag har arbetat de senaste tio åren med behandling av barn och ungdomar på en BUP-mottagning i Stockholm i ett invandrartätt område. Jag träffar därför många barn/ungdomar med olika typer av krigstrauman men naturligtvis också klienter med andra…

Whereas reading body signs during EMDR sessions is general practice, designing experiments whilst keeping using the EMDR protocols is not yet very much done. In this workshop we propose ways to integrate sensorimotor work in EMDR procedures. We…

Are EMDR and CBT sworn enemies or best friends? This workshop will through teaching, case presentation and small group exercises explore how Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and EMDR can function as a seamless therapeutic treatment model with…

EMDR came into my life as part of my professional need to work with children and teenagers who had been exposed to the most horrible traumas. Traditional play therapy and talking therapy were not working and I watch children develop into unhappy,…

Developmental and systemic perspectives support incorporating the caregiver/family in EMDR treatment of children and adolescents to maximize efficacy and minimize risks. Participants will learn to: 1) identify multiple options, risk factors, and…
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