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なお、RDIは、それが構造化陽性回想(ライフレビュー)を促進することがポイントに否定的な感情を低減するのに有効であると考えられる。本研究では、認知症患者への影響を検討した。 RDIアプリケーションの感情的な規制。 被験者は、GDS-SJに6点以上を獲得し二十から一から(介入群、スタンバイグループからの3から4)アルツハイマー型認知症と7科目を持っていた。 2方向ANOVAで分析すると3測定ステージをXと、内2のグループの設計、介入群の抑うつ感が低下した。不安感も減少し、肯定的な感情が改善された。…

هدف مطالعه حاضر مقایسه اثربخشی دو روش درمان حساسیت زدایی با حرکت چشم و پردازش مجدد و شمارش پیشرونده بر اضطراب، استرس و افسردگی بیماران جراحی بای پس عروق کرونر بود. طرح پژوهشی نیمه تجربی و از نوع پیش آزمون، پس آزمون و پیگیری با گروه کنترل بود. جامعه…

Depression, one of the most common mental disorders, is characterized by enormous social costs and limited rates of treatment success, even though psychotherapeutic and pharmacological treatments currently contribute to an increase in the remission…

The author will by means of oral presentation of clinical case material from patients seen as outpatients; didactic teaching and 'question and answer' explore the efficacy demonstrated by EMDR in a series of patients with disorders including…

Major depressive disorder remains one of the most widespread and yet one of the hardest to treat mental disorders. It is believed that about 20% of cases do not respond to conventional treatments (Fava, 2003). EMDR application to depression has been…

This study used a quantitative, single-case study design to examine the effectiveness of the integration of intensive eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) and ego state therapy for the treatment of an individual diagnosed with…

Diverse psychotherapeutic approaches for treating trauma-related sequelae have emerged over the last several decades in response to the widespread prevalence of sexual assault and resultant posttraumatic stress disorder among women (PTSD). In a…

This study assessed the efficacy of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) for women who experienced trauma due to sexual or domestic violence. Twenty-one adult female clients at a nonprofit agency participated in this mixed-methods…

Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is a highly aggressive brain cancer and its survival after diagnosis is less than 2 years. Therefore, GBM patients are especially prone to co-occurring psychological conditions such as anxiety and depressive disorders.…

Several therapies have acquired the status of evidence-based treatment for depression; still, about 20% of major depression cases do not respond to conventional treatments. The standard trauma-based EMDR protocol (Shapiro, 2001) has been reported…

The current research used a quantitative single-case study design to investigate the effectiveness of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) treatment for a participant diagnosed with comorbid major depressive disorder (MDD), severe…

The occupational demands of law enforcement officers (LEOs) subject them to the possibility of extreme risk on a daily basis. LEOs have a great potential for exposure to traumatic events in their type of work, and research supports that these…

Background and aims Adverse life events are associated with increased likelihood of depression and poorer prognosis . Trauma-focused treatments (TFT) appear to be effective in decreasing comorbid depressive symptoms. Accordingly, the aim of this…

Objectives: The present study aims to experimentally test for differences between EMDR, supportive therapy and waiting list group on depression, anxiety, post-traumatic symptomatology and use of coping strategies in a group of recently unemployed…

BackgroundApproximately 50% of intensive care survivors experience persistent psychological symptoms. Eye-movement desensitisation and reprocessing (EMDR) is a widely recommended trauma-focussed psychological therapy, which has not been investigated…

The Flash Technique of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is widely recognized for its effectiveness in reducing the effects of emotional responses associated with traumatic memories. Using a randomized-controlled trial methodology,…

In this pilot study, a convenience sample of 24 chronic pain patients (17 with chronic fatigue syndrome/fibromyalgia) were randomized into WHEE treatment and wait-list control groups for 6 weeks. Assessments of depression, anxiety, and pain were…

Tout au longe de notre vie, nous subissons des événements traumatisants : maladie, deuil, accident... S'en suivent stress, angoisse, dépression. Une nouvelle thérapie d'origine américaine vient de voir le jour : l'EMDR (Eyes Movement Desensitization…

This is a case report of a sixteen-year-old adolescent Sri Lankan, Sinhalese girl who was referred for psychological interventions. She was diagnosed with moderate depression coupled with deliberate self-harm practices and psychological trauma…

Problem: Adverse childhood experiences have been found to be a strong predictor of emotional and physical problems in adulthood. However, the long-term sequelae for children who have suffered critical illness and exposure to invasive medical…

The number of refugees has increased significantly over the past few years. PTSD and depression are among the most common mental health problems among refugees. Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), an effective treatment for PTSD, is…

Cette étude exploratoire a pour objectif de tester l’application de la thérapie Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) dans le cadre de la prise en charge du deuil traumatique. Le deuil traumatique, qui correspond à la perte brutale…

This article presents a case study applying Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing in major depressive disorder. The study describes the application of Shapiro’s Adaptive Information Processing (AIP) model in the treatment of major depressive…

Sadness, low mood, loss of interest or enjoyment of daily activities (especially those which were sources of pleasure) are symptoms that sometimes overwhelm everyone but they eventually resolve. However, when such a state lasts and significantly…

Angesichts der steigenden Zahl implantierter Defibrillatoren in allen Industrienationen wächst auch die Zahl derjenigen Menschen, die sog. Mehrfachschocks („electrical storm“, ES) erleiden. Häufige Beschwerden sind starke und ständig wiederkehrende…

Traumatized children frequently exhibit symptoms of disorders other than PTSD. There is evidence of comorbidity between PTSD, depression and other behavioral disorders and a large overlap in symptom criteria between PTSD and depression in children…

Karmaşık ve çok yönlü bir karaktere sahip olan okul başarısızlığı, öğrencinin sahip olduğu düşük notlar ile kapasitesinin arasında bir farklılığın bulunmasıdır. Okul başarısızlığında altta yatan psikiyatrik bozukluklar etken olabilmekle birlikte…

This uncontrolled prospective cohort study evaluated the use of accelerated resolution therapy (ART) for treatment of comorbid symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and major depressive disorder. Twenty-eight adult subjects, mean age of…

Pills and therapy can't heal the blues, says David Servan- Schreiber. But the leading French psychiatrist thinks he knows what can.

Case Consultation is a new regular feature in the Journal of EMDR Practice and Research. In this article, an eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) clinician briefly describes a challenging case in which a man, “George,” was referred…

Doriene werd in augustus 2007 door de huisarts aangemeld in verband met paniekaanvallen. In het intakegesprek vertelde Doriene dat ze het gevoel heeft dat de angst haar overvalt. Tijdens een paniekaanval heeft ze het koud en warm tegelijkertijd,…

Noa is negen jaar en wanneer ze aangemeld wordt is ze net begonnen aan groep 6. Haar ouders beschrijven haar als een bovengemiddeld intelligent, sociaal en lief meisje. Noa wordt eigenlijk al sinds drie jaar, naarmate het schooljaar vordert,…

EMDR and Prolonged Exposure are equally effective in treating PTSD, despite fundamental differences. For instance: in EMDR patients bring up their memory and look at it from a here-and-now perspective, but during Exposure patients are encouraged to…

Using EMDR: Client often closes eyes, moves them slowly Reports nothing is happening, or crying immediately and inconsolably No self-generated positive cognitions No or little relief in each session, slow or minimal results Continuing depression even…


Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) has demonstrated efficacy in treating major depressive disorder. EMDR increases cerebral perfusion in the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC). Activity in the…

The aim of this clinical trial was to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of the Acute Stress Syndrome Stabilization for Groups (ASSYST-G) treatment intervention, provided by formally trained frontline workers, in reducing posttraumatic stress…

This research aims to determine efficacy of two therapeutic methods and compare them: Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for reduction of anxiety and depression for Iranian combatant afflicted…

Background: According to symptom oriented of drug therapy in the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), eye movement, desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) were increasingly used. The aim of this…

The efficacy of EMDR treatment for PTSD is established. EMDR is globally recognized as a level one evidence-based practice for PTSD. The studies that were used to determine these findings tended to have weekly EMDR sessions; however it may be…

Depression is one of leading cause of disease burden worldwide, and it’s associated with huge personal, social and economic costs. Increased evidence suggests a significant relationship between recurrent depressive disorders, stressful life events…

La depressione postpartum rappresenta oggi un serio e disabilitante disturbo psichiatrico: ogni anno si stima che il 10-15% circa delle donne sviluppino una sintomatologia depressiva in seguito al parto. Sebbene nel corso degli anni siano cresciute…

In dit onderzoek is gekeken naar de werkzaamheid van EMDR en de individuele vorm van de cognitieve gedragstherapie STEPS in het verminderen van depressieve klachten en suïcidegedachten en het verbeteren van het psychische en fysieke welzijn van…
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