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Some research has addressed EMDR in the treatment of psychosis. This research addressed psychotic symptoms as presenting earlier traumas. Few studies have utilized EMDR to address the occurrence of a manic episode in those diagnosed with Bipolar 1…

Conduct disorder and other disruptive behaviours represent the most common form of child and adolescent psychopathology referred for treatment by parents and teachers. A number of studies conducted in university research centers have demonstrated…

This book serves as a resource for practicing clinicians, supervisors, clinic directors, and hospital administrators. Leeds provides clear, concise treatment guidelines on the clinical use of EMDR. This book provides an orientation to the clinical,…


In opdracht van dr. Guner is onderzoek gedaan naar zijn behandeling. Dr. Guner heeft de EMDR-therapie aangepast, hij laat zijn patiënten tijdens de EMDR-sessie hun trauma herbeleven, zodat zij in de toekomst de emoties die gerelateerd zijn aan het…

I had been working with Parnell's (1999) shortened protocols in a primary health care setting where time and the number of sessions were limited. Although the challenges are steep, they are surmountable when incorporating flexibility to the standard…

The possibility of assigning control of psychotherapeutic processes to children, allows, when supervised, to create conditions for the resolution of traumatic events in a more natural and structured way. In this context was developed a new protocol…

Autism is an often-invisible disability (with an estimated prevalence rate in New Zealand of at least 1-2% of the population), and autistic people’s experiences often make them probable candidates for EMDR. At least 60% of autistic children are…

This study examined MASTR/EMDR, a trauma-focused treatment for traumatized youth taken in charge by youth protective services. Participants were 40 adolescents (ages 13-17) exhibiting conduct problems, internalizing and externalizing behaviors and…

Eye-movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) was introduced by Shapiro (1989) as a cognitivebehavioural therapy for clients with trauma a little over 20 years ago. After an initial period of intense controversy and scepticism regarding its…

Ce protocole a été construit pour être appliqué en immédiat quand c'est possible ou en post immédiat après un événement à fort retentissement collectif. Il s'applique en groupe et les intervenants devraient être deux minimums Il ne nécessite pas…

The EMDR-Emergency Room and Wards Protocol (EMDR-ER©) was developed by Dr. Judith Guedalia, after being present at more than 26 Mass Casualty Events (MCEs). She and the other members of Shaare Zedek Medical Center’s Trauma Team attended to more than…

A possibilidade de atribuir o controle dos processos psicoterapêuticos às crianças e adolescentes permite, quando supervisionado, criar condições para a resolução de eventos traumáticos ou fragilidades no vínculo, de forma mais natural e estruturada.…

The EMDR approach to psychotherapy is based on standard procedures and protocols and forms a template for the EMDR practitioner to work with their clients. The development of EMDR practice has evolved by addressing the unique needs of clients in…


Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy, as an established 'procedure for exposing emotional response' from trauma therapy, can be used specifically to process emotional distress in patients suffering from chronic pain with the…

Many victims of prolonged intimate partner violence (IPV) enter psychotherapy in order to find a way to escape from a dangerous relationship, and for these clients, it is typically appropriate to focus within the therapy sessions on strategies for…

Based on the author's years of experience working with eating disorders (EDs), the most adequate treatment is that which covers the areas that generate the disorder, instead of focusing on the symptom in an isolated manner. Without a doubt, eye…

The eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy model of self-care for clients was developed by González and Mosquera to describe an optimal way for clients to take care of themselves in different areas of functioning. EMDR therapy…

Migraine has been related to mental illness in the medical field for more than a century. The characteristics of migraine are head pain and neurological, gastrointestinal, and autonomic symptoms. Migraines are the third most common illness in the…

Our aim: We will present some EMDR family work, offer question and discussion time and the opportunity to explore the approach. We would very much like to provide an arena to discuss and share learning about EMDR with families and to agree some…

EMDR Therapy is a psychotherapy approach based on standard procedures and protocols. Using these standard procedures and protocols as its template, this book presents step-by-step scripts that enable new practitioners and seasoned EMDR clinicians,…

The Emergency Response Procedure (ERP) was initially developed to help victims within hours of a terrorist attack, but can be applied in the minutes and hours following any trauma. Often, at that time, the patient has dificulty in orienting to the…

The Emergency Response Procedure (ERP) was initially developed to help victims within hours of a terrorist attack, but can be applied in the minutes and hours following any trauma. Often, at that time, the patient has difficulty in orienting to the…

ObjectiveEye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) is an established treatment for post-traumatic stress disorders (PTSD). Some patients diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) experience PTSD following choking or suffocation in…

EMDR Therapy is a psychotherapy approach based on standard procedures and protocols. Using EMDR Therapy's standard procedures and protocols as its template, this book presents step-by-step scripts that enable new practitioners and seasoned EMDR…

Traditional models of addiction treatment and relapse prevention fail to consider the role that unresolved trauma plays in an addicted woman's recovery experience. Implementing Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) into the treatment…

Fibromyalgia, or the fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS), is a chronic pain disorder (e.g., fatigue, muscle pain, tenderness, and sleep difficulties) that affects 1% to 5% of the general population. This syndrome is also referred to as 'soft-tissue…

This 3 hour presentation will focus on the basic EMDR Therapy protocols (Shapiro, 2008) to help participants gain confidence with EMDR Therapy and trauma processing. There will be an emphasis on affect tolerance to enable more rapid and profound…

A variety of EMDR recent event protocols have been utilized with clients around the world. These protocols are most often used for natural and/or manmade disasters. Recent event protocols may also be creatively integrated into your practice in other…

This article presents the well established theoretical base and clinical practice of exposure therapy for trauma. Necessary requirements for positive treatment results and contraindicated procedures are reviewed. EMDR is contrasted with these…

Cette étude évalue l’efficacite du traitement manualise (MASTR-EMDR) supres d’adolescents ayant subi des agressions sexuelles. Les trente participants ont été repartis au hasard dans le groupe traitement ou dans le groupe-temoin qui continuait de…

Elan Shapiro et Brurit Laub ont présenté leur protocole EMDR individuel pour les épisodes traumatiques récents pour la première fois au congrès EMDR Europe à Londres, en juin 2008 (2008a), lors du séminaire dédié aux superviseurs. Le protocole est…

Le modèle «conte de fées» et la thérapie MASTR pour traiter les traumatismes chez les jeunes ont été développés par Dr. Ricky Greenwald. Il s’agit d’un protocole thérapeutique préparatoire pour faciliter l’EMDR avec les préadolescents et adolescents.…

Trauma is proposed as a key to understanding the development and persistence of adolescent conduct problems, in conjunction with other contributing factors. A trauma-focused individual therapy approach is presented as one example of how this…

Eating disorders (ED)—anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder—are persistent and complex disorders and, therefore, a challenge for therapists with any theoretical orientation. This chapter describes eye movement desensitization…

De nombreuses études soutiennent le principe du traitement adaptatif de l’information (TAI) selon lequel les expériences de vie défavorables ou indésirables (adverse life experiences) sont à l’origine de toute une gamme de troubles (Shapiro, 2014).…


Le nombre de séances consacrées à chaque phase et le nombre de phases abordées en une même séance varieront d’un patient à l’autre (Shapiro, 2001). Les huit phases correspondent à la chronologie du déroulement de la psychothérapie, mais un certain…

Nuestros protocolos fueron diseñados siguiendo un modelo de Psicoterapia de la Integración (Stricker & Gold, 1996) , que involucran la síntesis de conceptos y métodos tradicionales, dentro de nuevas teorías y sistemas pragmáticos de tratamiento,…


Although EMDR is a therapy recognised by international scientific community as one of the first line treatment for PTSD, its application has never been assessed with torture survivors refugees. The aim of this research is to assess the therapeutic…
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