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  • Tags: Complex Trauma

The integration of ego state and somatosensory work and EMDR will be shown to help patients with complex PTSD repair fragmentation. disconnections and develop the safety to utilize EMDR successfully. Although complex trauma victims are seeking help…

This presentation offers a systematic approach for the treatment of patients with complex traumatization. The first step involves assessing the severity of the illness, using Babette Rothchild's trauma classification. A variety of techniques will…

If we regard adult psychotherapy as the basis for a kind of attachment relationship in which the client seeks proximity by having a physical and emotional closeness with the therapist through which the client tries to create a”safe haven” soothing…

Clients with chronic and complex Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) caused by severe traumata in childhood, are often still treated inadequately, especially when they developed additional dissociative symptoms or a Dissociative Disorder. There is a…

EMDR is an important therapy in the treatment of complex PTSD, including dissociative disorders and certain personality disorders. This presentation will provide solutions to problems within the 8 phases of EMDR. Objectives include managing triggers…

Mit den zunehmenden Forschungsergebnissen im Bereich psychotraumatischer Störungen sind auch neuere erfolgreiche Zugänge wie die EMDR-Methode entwickelt und anerkannt worden. Die von Dr. Francine Shapiro entwickelte und in ihrer Effektivität gut…

EMDR can be safely used during the stabilization phase in a group of severely traumatized patients, not only to install positive elements, but to process dysfunctional elements (not necessarily traumatic memories, but patient-therapist relationship…

Die Ausbildung in EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) führte mich über längere Zeit zu einer intensiven Auseinandersetzung über die Vereinbarkeit von EMDR mit meiner bisherigen traumatherapeutischen Arbeit. Diese war und ist stark…

Neuropsychological findings indicate that affect regulation is learned through secure attachment during the first year of an infant's life (Siegel, 1999; Schore, 1994, 1996). Poor affect regulation is one of the main indicators of clients diagnosed…

Some clients with complex trauma whose experience goes back many years may never learn to form an intact, whole sense of themselves or engaged in health relationships with others. For these people, trust is a major issue and usually time-limited…

The integration of EMDR with Ego State Therapy will be presented as a comprehensive approach to treatment of the wide spectrum of personality disorders. These diagnostic categories include individuals manifesting character pathology, borderline…

Theoretical background: The teaching of a “safe place installation protocol” forms part of the standard EMDR training and for my EMDR practitioners and consultants alike it belongs to their repertoire of EMDR treatment techniques. Such a protocol…

A framework for working with structural dissociation will be presented during the EMDR European conference by Dr. Nijenhuis. This presentation will present video tape of EMDR sessions with clients with complex trauma history. The tape will be…

The goal of this paper is to examine one therapy process in order to explore what resources EMDR treatment can provide to complex traumatized clients with previous long-term therapies. How important is the role of mind/body connection? How could it…

CGT and EMDR are well documented treatment programmes for PTSD. Most published studies concern “simple PTSD”, in this workshop presentations and discussions are focussed on the treatment principles and possible adjustments in techniques of CGT and…

Nowadays several international studies demonstrate that the problem of drug-addiction is very often found in combination with complex traumatization in early childhood and youth. (Felitti. 2903; Kufner et al. 2000; Langeland et al. 2006; Schmidt,…

Binnen de instelling waar ik werk, het SinaiCentrum (gespecialiseerd in de behandeling van de psychische gevolgen van structureel geweld bij slachtoffers van de tweede wereldoorlog (concentratiekampoverlevende, jappenkampoverlevenden, verzetsmensen,…

As eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) has been increasingly applied in complex trauma-related disorders, including complex dissociative disorders, and trauma-related borderline personality disorder, EMDR practice may benefit from…

Working with EMDR with people who suffer from complex trauma leads often to difficulties not only about case conceptualization, but also desensitization and reprocessing, with a risk of destabilization or even decompensation. Often many targets,…

Stabiliser et traiter les enfants traumatisés et souvent dissociés peut être compliqué. En apparence, ils peuvent sembler fonctionner relativement bien. Leurs stratégies d'évitement paraissent efficaces et ils refusent de parler du trauma ou disent…

Managing dissociative interference when treating individuals with early repetitive traumatization requires recognition, then direct intervention. The “phobias of structural dissociation” are especially helpful in recognizing the less readily apparent…

Het komt nogal eens voor dat een behandelaar besluit een methode in te zetten die gericht is op afgebakende traumatische ervaringen, terwijl de cliënt eigenlijk zijn hele verhaal wil vertellen en behoefte heeft over al zijn ervaringen te getuigen.…

Summary • Pathogenic family dynamics (relational configurations) are internalized as ego state conflicts • The resulting ego state system is a structured complementation of the loyalty system • The subjective sense of Self (and corresponding…

Attachment theory and interpersonal neurobiology demonstrate the importance of the therapeutic relationship as a primary change mechanism. With survivors of childhood relational trauma, betrayal of trust and attachment issues create obstacles to…

This is the first book to provide a wide range of leading-edge, step-by-step strategies for clinicians using EMDR therapy and adjunct approaches with children with severe dysregulation of the affective system. Written by an author internationally…

EMDR is widely recognized as a therapy of choice in psychotraumatology. However treating clients who suffer from complex traumatization, and especially dissociative disorder, using EMDR straightaway in its standard form is very difficult. “By far,…

We all display particular patterns of thinking, feeling and acting, depending on the situation. The transition is usually seamless in well-adjusted people, but where there has been disrupted attachment or sustained early life trauma the result is…

The paper presents a clinical case of an initial diagnosis of BPD referred to ARP by local psychiatric services where she was treated for a suicide attempt. The client presented serious affective dysregulation, impulse dyscontrol, dissociative…

Abstract:EMDR is an efficacious therapy for the treatment of PTSD. Increasingly, EMDR is being recognized as an important and viable therapy in the treatment of complex PTSD, including Dissociative Disorder Not Otherwise Specified, Dissociative…

Durante y después de un desastre, el trauma psicológico es una consecuencia de las multifacéticas situaciones que viven individuos y comunidades. El modelo que se presenta a continuación, nos da una visión general del amplio espectro de los…

Healthcare service providers, as well as, mental health practitioners, frequently associate the suffering of complex trauma with pathology, mental illness, personality disorders and severe psychiatric dysfunction. Clients are perceived as difficult…

This workshop describes the various uses of chronological autobiographical memory cues (temporal sequencing) to restore the sense of ‘continuity of being’ disrupted by trauma: 1. To facilitate readiness for EMDR processing when a client is avoidant…

This study evaluated a multicomponent phase-based trauma treatment approach for 34 children who were victims of severe interpersonal trauma (e.g., rape, sexual abuse, physical and emotional violence, neglect, abandonment). the children attended a…

N. è stata portata in Italia a 14 anni con l’illusione di lavorare come baby sitter, finisce invece vittima dello sfruttamento sessuale organizzato e per circa un anno subisce violenze sessuali, fisiche e psicologiche. Con forza e coraggio notevoli,…

The focus of this research was to gain a better understanding of the challenges of working with clients who have experienced severe or chronic trauma. The conceptual framework used for this research project is based on neurologically informed…

Complex cases often present the therapist with a confused picture and the dilemma of how to “find a way in” swiftly but safely under time-limited conditions imposed by agency or waiting lists. This workshop explores ways in which therapists can…

Cette étude a évalué une approche thérapeutique du trauma, orientée par phases et à composants multiples, auprès de 34 enfants victimes de traumas interpersonnels graves (e.g., viols, abus sexuels, violences physiques et émotionnelles, négligences,…

Die Entwicklung einer der neuesten erfolgreichen therapeutischen Entwicklungen in der Behandlung psychotraumatologischer Syndrome gelang Dr. Francine Shapiro vom Mental Research Institut in Palo Alto, Kalifornien. Eher zufällig, wie sie heute…

This workshop will explain how early chaos and/or neglect affects a child’s brain, autonomic nervous system, and body system and how this can lead to the development of complex trauma. The presentation of complex trauma in children including…

Working with complex traumatized clients, the therapist is confronted with difficult questions, choices and dilemmas: is the client ready for the step towards trauma confrontation or does the client need to develop more skills or resources? •How do…
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