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  • Tags: Depression

The impact of PTSD on the sleep of patients is widely reported. However, the parameters that can be altered are not the same for all patients. Some studies report an impairment of sleep maintenance and recurrent nightmares, while others failed to…

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a unique, short-term therapy shown to be effective in the treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Application of EMDR to the treatment of depression was considered based upon the…

Pills and therapy can't heal the blues, says David Servan- Schreiber. But the leading French psychiatrist thinks he knows what can.

I used EMDR with a 45 year-old man called David who presented with a long history of depressive anxiety episodes, characterized by intense feelings of fear and anger, the later directed at women whom he had always fear and by whom he felt rejected.

We present our experiences with an elderly patient with depression that was attributed to a surge of physical ailments who also had trauma-derived fear of having to undergo a tracheotomy. He refused pharmacotherapy and was offered intensive training…

Using EMDR: Client often closes eyes, moves them slowly Reports nothing is happening, or crying immediately and inconsolably No self-generated positive cognitions No or little relief in each session, slow or minimal results Continuing depression even…


Hailed as the most important method to emerge in psychotherapy in decades, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) has successfully treated psychological problems and illnesses--from depression, phobias, and recurrent nightmares to…

Otro tratamiento nuevo es el EMDR (Eye Movement Disensitation and Reprocessing), o reprocesamiento y desensibilización a través del movimiento de los ojos. ``Cuando existe algún trauma, o se está deprimido, esas imágenes están almacenadas en el lado…

Problem: Adverse childhood experiences have been found to be a strong predictor of emotional and physical problems in adulthood. However, the long-term sequelae for children who have suffered critical illness and exposure to invasive medical…

The seven natural treatment approaches that the author describes in this book all capitalize on the mind and brain's own healing mechanisms for recovering from depression, anxiety, and stress. All seven methods have been researched and studies…

It is estimated that as many as 2% of children under age 12 and from 5% to 18% of adolescents suffer from a depressive disorder (Birmaher et al., 1996; Northey, Wells, Silverman, & Bailey, 2003) that will likely persist into adulthood (Northey et…

Tout au longe de notre vie, nous subissons des événements traumatisants : maladie, deuil, accident... S'en suivent stress, angoisse, dépression. Une nouvelle thérapie d'origine américaine vient de voir le jour : l'EMDR (Eyes Movement Desensitization…

Una investigación de las ciencias cognitivas sobre la depresión se presenta. En concreto, los pacientes con depresión mayor fueron obligados a participar en un proceso terapéutico que involucró la metodología EMDR (Eye Movement desensibilización y…


The author will by means of oral presentation of clinical case material from patients seen as outpatients; didactic teaching and 'question and answer' explore the efficacy demonstrated by EMDR in a series of patients with disorders including…

While cognitive behavior therapy is considered to be the first-line therapy for adolescent depression, there are limited data on whether other psychotherapeutic techniques are also effective in treating adolescents with depression. This report…

Traumatized children frequently exhibit symptoms of disorders other than PTSD. There is evidence of comorbidity between PTSD, depression and other behavioral disorders and a large overlap in symptom criteria between PTSD and depression in children…

Mental health research tells us that gay men use psychological services in far more greater numbers than their heterosexual counterparts. Gay men typically present themselves in treatment for problems relating to depression and anxiety, often the…

This seminar will describe particular means to strengthen the somatic component of the EMDR Protocol for clients that have the following characteristics: dissociation from the body, ungrounded, unable to feel somatic sensations and impulses, lack of…

This presentation explores the evidence linking trauma, stress and PTSD to some forms of depression in children especially for those whose depressive symptoms appear to be the result of adverse life events. Preliminary evidence that EMDR can be an…

A clear and comprehensive guide to using EMDR in clinical practice. This edited collection—a follow-up to Shapiro’s successful EMDR Solutions—presents step-by-step instructions for implementing EMDR approaches to treat a range of issues, written by…

This research aims to determine efficacy of two therapeutic methods and compare them: Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for reduction of anxiety and depression for Iranian combatant afflicted…

This article describes a study initially designed to assess the ability of therapists to adhere to the Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR) protocol with children two to ten years of age. Child subjects in the study were administered pre…

EMDR can impact genetic and non-genetic endogenous, trauma-based, and attachment-based depression. This presentation cites reseach and clinical experience to overlap biological understanding with EMDR's AIP to bring EMDR techniques to the treatment…

Cette étude exploratoire a pour objectif de tester l’application de la thérapie Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) dans le cadre de la prise en charge du deuil traumatique. Le deuil traumatique, qui correspond à la perte brutale…

Scientific studies of EMDR have shown that it is one of the most effective tools for treating posttraumatic stress disorders. One of the lesser-known properties of EMDR is that it also seems to be an effective psychotherapy method in a number of…

By comparing efficacious psychological therapies of different kinds, inferences about common effective treatment mechanisms can be made. We selected six therapies for review on the basis of the diversity of their theoretical rationales and evidence…

Le deuil et la dépression sont des expériences de vie qui présentent un défi pour les mécanismes d’adaptation et remettent en question les états d’équilibre déjà établis. Les liens qui deviennent de plus en plus évidents entre ces états expérientiels…

La presente investigación enmarcada en el campo de la ciencia cognitiva de la emoción, se llevó a cabo en la práctica clínica mediante estudios de caso longitudinales con dos pacientes diagnosticadas con depresión mayor. Ellas participaron en un…

The current investigation, framed within the emotional cognitive science field, was conducted with three patients with major depression. They participated in a therapeutic process which involved EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing).…

EMDR’s Protocol is a powerful intervention that can impact many kinds of depression. Participants will learn about Bessel van der Kolk’s research, other research and clinical experience to bring the EMDR Protocol to the treatment of trauma-based,…

Scientific studies of EMDR have shown that it is one of the most effective tools to treat posttraumatic stress disorder. One of the lesser known properties of EMDR is that it also seems to be an effective psychotherapy method in a number of disorders…


The efficacy of EMDR treatment for PTSD is established. EMDR is globally recognized as a level one evidence-based practice for PTSD. The studies that were used to determine these findings tended to have weekly EMDR sessions; however it may be…

目的 探讨舍曲林联合眼动脱敏和再加工治疗对抑郁症的临床疗效及安全性.方法 将64例抑郁症患者随机分为两组各32例,均给予舍曲林治疗,研究组联合眼动脱敏和再加工治疗,疗程均为6w.于治疗前及治疗第1 w、2 w、6 w末采用汉密顿抑郁量表、临床总体印象量表评定临床疗效,副反应量表评定不良反应.结果 治疗6 w末研究组有效率87.5%,对照组为84.4%,两组差异无显著性(χ2=0.129,P>0.05).汉密顿抑郁量表、临床总体印象量表评分,研究组治疗1…

La aproximación psicoterapéutica EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, en español Desensibilización y Reprocesamiento a través del Movimiento Ocular) aporta en relación al tratamiento de ese problema una postura interesante. Creó un…


Noa is negen jaar en wanneer ze aangemeld wordt is ze net begonnen aan groep 6. Haar ouders beschrijven haar als een bovengemiddeld intelligent, sociaal en lief meisje. Noa wordt eigenlijk al sinds drie jaar, naarmate het schooljaar vordert,…

Doriene werd in augustus 2007 door de huisarts aangemeld in verband met paniekaanvallen. In het intakegesprek vertelde Doriene dat ze het gevoel heeft dat de angst haar overvalt. Tijdens een paniekaanval heeft ze het koud en warm tegelijkertijd,…
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