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  • Tags: Family Therapy

Judith Herman delineates a 3-stage model of recovery from trauma: (1) Safety; (2) Remembrance and Mourning; (3) Reconnection. She criticises current treatment methods for their failure to make a difference in the "constrictive symptoms of numbing and…

Participants will: 1) understand the theoretical basis of Kantor's Critical Identity Image approach to treating couples; 2) understand what Kantor's approach consists of on a methodological level; 3) understand how to add, or integrate, individual…

This presentation will discuss the symptomology of reactive attachment disorder in children and the effects on the family. In addition, the presentation will focus on the treatment mileau of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) and…

Participants will: 1) review basic tenants of systems theory and its application to family or couple therapy; 2) know several important aspects of using EMDR with couples and families, such as safety issues, selection of EMDR targets; and decisions…

We present a case illustrating the use of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) in the treatment of psychogenic seizures. These seizures were events lasting many hours, necessitating frequent emergency room visits and an extensive…

EMDR is a method used to help the individual trauma victim process the psychological aftereffects of trauma (PTSD). The effects of traumatic experiences, however, spread throughout the victim's family. The case presented here describes the treatment…

Famiglie multiproblematiche sono un obiettivo difficile per qualsiasi approccio terapeutico a causa della rilevanza delle esperienze traumatiche per tutti i membri della famiglia. Essi vengono sostituiti con maltrattamenti, uso di sostanze o altri…

This presentation reflects our thoughts and clinical experiences regarding ways that EMDR can broaden the therapeutic interplay between individual and systemic issues. We will discuss iwmerous areas of consideration, along with case examples. A list…

When reviewing past and current research on the role of emotion in couples therapy, there appeared to be a lack of articulation concerning how emotional expressions and relational dynamics are affected by emotional trauma that has not been accessed.…

This is a case study of a family with a child (age eight) with reactive attachment disorder and the subsequent individual and family therapy. Treatment of choice for the child was Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) and supportive…

Describes the features borderline personality disorders (BPD) in mothers and the impact it can have the family, then describes the treatment model, which combines Bowen's family systems theory with eye movement desensitization reprocessing (EMDR).…

Why would you do EMDR, a decidedly individual therapy, with couples? How do you decide with whom to use EMDR? And is there anything besides trauma processing that EMDR brings to conjoint couples therapy?In 8 out of 10 couples sessions, I use the…

The issue of treatment tolerance within the field of psychotherapy is, at best, a nebulous construct and has been commonly evaluated via rates of subject attrition and homework compliance. This research presents the psychometric properties of a…

The field of family therapy seemed to coalesce around 1960, although some of the early pioneers were already conducting and writing about family systems and treating multipatient units before then. This chapter offers a brief overview of the field…

Sexual abuse has created multiple short and long term problems for many individuals in society today. It often occurs in childhood and the scars that are left can be permanent. Statistically, it occurs with far greater frequency than should be…

Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) is gaining acceptance as efficacious treatment for PTSD for individuals but not for couples. This article reports three case studies of couples in which EMDR is combined with Gestalt therapy in a…

A case of a lesbian couple is presented in which one partner experienced early sexual abuse and the other a series of major losses (beginning with the death of her mother) in early childhood. The first partner developed an alcohol addiction and the…

The difficult behaviors exhibited by children who meet the criteria for a diagnosis of Reactive Attachment Disorder (American Psychiatric Association, 1994) can be challenging to both parents and professionals. Utilizing the point of view of three…

Domestic violence (DV) has been defined as a pattern of verbal and physical behavior intended to control another person in an existing, former, or desired intimate relationship (Walker, 1979). Although DV is not confined to heterosexual unions or to…

The purpose of this chapter is to provide a kaleidoscopic overview of the field of family therapy/psychology within which the ensuing chapters can be better understood. To accomplish this massive task within the space limits set, the same format has…

This chapter discusses childhood sexual abuse (CSA); the role of the family after disclosure; theoretical conceptualizations; and family systems therapy and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) in the treatment of CSA. A combination…

Research has shown that anxiety in children is highly influenced by parenting style, perception of family support (Rapee & Melville, 1997), and family relational patterns. Social Anxiety Disorder (American Psychiatric Association, 1994) is…

In this chapter, the use of the genogram is highlighted as a tool for couple or family assessment, to determine therapeutic options, and to intervene. Typical symbols used and questions asked for the purpose of building the genogram are described.…

Much attention has been devoted to examining whether divorce negatively impacts children's psychological adjustment, or whether divorce is now so prevalent that it can be considered a normative transitional event (Kaslow, 1981). Divorce brings many…

The concept of treating the whole family spread into the medical field in the late 1960s, when William Doherty, a family therapist, and Macaran Baird, a family physician, developed a model for integrating family therapy practices with family medical…

Disaster is commonly understood as an overwhelming misfortune that is not easily overcome or set right. Though our lives may go on after a disaster, it is virtually certain that they will have been transformed in some profound way. Nevertheless, it…

When children experience a traumatic event, the effect on them can be profound. The child's reactions to and understanding of the trauma are strongly influenced by the attitudes and responses of his or her parents (Tinker & Wilson, 1999). After…

Cette présentation s'articule autour de l'intégration du travail EMDR avec des enfants et de l'approche de thérapie familiale systémique. Nous savons qu'à la suite d'un incident traumatique vécu par un member d'une famille, les liens familiaux…

In this poster I am going to raise the question of integrating EMDR in family and couple therapy. This is a philosophical question. I actually am asking if it's possible to integrate an individual approach with a systemic one. Those scholars who…

During this pre-conference, we will discuss the integration of EMDR and family therapy through the work done with domestic violence cases. In these particular situations, the therapist is faced with complex clinical issues that require one to think…

O presente trabalho pretende mostrar a validade do EMDR como um instrumento útil em terapias de casais e família, quando experiencias traumáticas do passado estão dificultando o relacionamento entre seus membros. Ressaltam como essa abordagem tem-se…

The use of both Mony Elkaïm’s systemic model and the AIP model is a new perspective for couples’therapy and for EMDR target plan and further in individual therapy where relational problems are involved. This workshop will teach present a way to do a…

L’utilizzo dell’Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) in molte situazioni di Terapia Familiare che ho trattato ha accelerato in modo efficace la risoluzione dei problemi. L’EMDR viene definito dalla stessa ideatrice (Francine Shapiro)…

La adopción es un tema actual, cuyo interés crece progresivamente. Su vigencia social resulta incuestionable si atendemos al incremento exponencial de niños adoptados por familias españolas, especialmente en adopciones internacionales. La Ley de…

Introduction: The purpose of the article is to examine the current literature regarding evidence for positive change in attachment status following Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy and to describe how an integrative EMDR…

Terapia Familiar Sistêmica, de forma integrada. Objetivo: Demonstrar como a associação das duas abordagens permite alterar o foco do individual para o familiar e do familiar para o individual, resultando em superação de traumas e integração…

Proposta focalizando conceitos do EMDR, Teoria de Papéis e da Teoria Sistêmica de Terapia Familiar, de modo que o profissional já treinado (ainda que parcialmente em EMDR) possa trabalhar associando ao EMDR, situações inter e intrapsíquicas. Para…

Nel costruire questo protocollo di lavoro parto dal presupposto che esiste nel sistema individuo e nel sistema coppia la capacità di trovare una modalità adattiva per superare lo stato di sofferenza e blocco, e che questa capacità possa essere…

Children traumatized in early attachment relationships by neglect, abuse, hospitalizations, surgeries, foster home placements, or orphanage care develop neurology designed by nature to keep them safe. When the trauma is over and the environment is…


The purpose of this paper is to describe and illustrate with case examples a brief intervention termed Radical Exposure Tapping (RET). RET can be integrated with family therapy to address stuck points where the therapy is hindered by a family…

Ma présentation portera sur l’intégration de la thérapie EMDR et de la thérapie familiale dans le cadre de la prise en charge du traitement des situations traumatiques complexes concernant les enfants. Un protocole d’intervention thérapeutique…
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