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  • Tags: Complex Trauma

Les sévices auto-infligés constituent une stratégie de coping actionnée par le trauma qui peut se comprendre du point de vue du modèle du Traitement adaptatif de l'information (TAI) et se prendre en charge par la psychothérapie EMDR…

With the continued advancement in technology, there is a rise in the development and utilization of mobile health applications (mHealth apps) that claim to be using eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) theory and techniques to…

Ce travail de thèse raconte un cheminement de clinicienne, avec des allers retours entre une pratique psychothérapeutique et une réflexion conceptuelle, tentant de cheminer vers une démarche intégrative permettant d'aborder les situations…

EMDR – Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing – at the service of systemic therapy When there is trauma, talking therapy only is not sufficient. In this case it is necessary to focus on physiology and body reactions, in order to include them…

Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) is een bewezen effectieve en veelvuldig ingezette behandeling voor Post-Traumatische Stress Stoornis (PTSS). Echter,literatuur betreffende de werkzaamheid van EMDR bij complex trauma onder…

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing is a psychotherapeutic approach with recognized efficiency in treating Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), which is being used and studied in other psychiatric diagnoses partially based on adverse and…

Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) is one of the two most empirically supported treatments for adult populations with noncombat, single-episode posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), with the other being exposure therapy. This entry…

We decided to bring EMDR Psychotherapy to our treatment center as a primary modality. Our clinical team members are EMDR psychotherapists trained by EMDRIA approved trainers and the team continues on the EMDR path by completed advanced trainings. As…

Advances in neuroscience have impacted how we conduct EMDR treatment with children with developmentally impaired regulatory systems, deep attachment injuries and psychobiological responses such as hyperarousal and dissociation. These children come…

Individuals exposed to trauma early in life or multiple traumas across Time/Session often suffer a variety of psychological (e.g. PTSD, anxiety, depression) and physical symptoms (e.g. chronic pain, neuromuscular rigidity). More often, these people…

EMDR practitioners, having experienced the efficacy of EMDR in alleviating distress in clients, may be tempted to provide EMDR therapy without having done a thorough case formulation for their clients. This presentation will address the need for case…

This case series investigated the value of integrating eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) and relationship therapies for children with histories of complex trauma. The purpose was to evaluate if treatment was associated with…

Instead, Lucas recommends eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR). EMDR was developed by Francine Shapiro in the late 1980’s. This type of therapy stimulates both hemispheres of the brain through eye movement, sound or touch, which…

Through videos and clinical material, we will observe the evolution of children who received interventions, in which developmental experiences before the age of 6 or 7, were particularly taken into account, as well as the procedimental memories…

This presentation will focus on practical and creative strategies for working with children with severe dysregulation of the affective system. These include children exhibiting insecure patterns of attachment, complex PTSD and dissociative symptoms.…

Self-harm is frequently a trauma-driven coping strategy that can be understood from the perspective of the adaptive information processing (AIP) model and treated with eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy (Shapiro, 1995,…

This master class will show how the integration of Structural Dissociation Theory and the Polyvagal Theory with EMDR Psychotherapy is done by master clinicians in complex trauma and dissociation. Specifics on how to treat dissociative phobias and…

This workshop introduces two conceptual frameworks. The optimal zone of arousal and node isolation theory and techniques. The first is for assessing readiness for, and identifying obstacles to safe phase four processing. The second describes a…

EMDR can be used safely and successfully with DID and highly complete PTSD clients, provided that ego states are properly engaged and modifications have been made to titrate affect. This workshop will cover the following topics: Seeking permission…

Este estudio presenta los resultados de la aplicación del Protocolo Grupal e Integrativo con EMDR y del Protocolo Individual de Terapia EMDR, a un total de 16 menores (2 niños y 14 niñas), con edades entre los 9 y los 13 años, que atendieron el…

This workshop explores the practical problems faced by EMDR therapists with different levels of experience in applying the AIP model and EMDR procedures with their patients as identified in actual consultation sessions. Common clinical dilemmas,…

Attachment disorders, chronic stressful, traumatizing experiences can create dissociative tendencies in the psychic structure. The dissociative spectrum ranges from deep structural dissociation to subtle forms of dissociation like Ego States. My…

This presentation will focus on the “HOW TOs” of working with children with severe dysregulation of the affective system such as: Children exhibiting insecure patterns of attachment, complex PTSD and dissociative symptoms. Strategies directed to…

Working with complex traumatized clients, the therapist is confronted with difficult questions, choices and dilemmas: is the client ready for the step towards trauma confrontation or does the client need to develop more skills or resources? •How do…

This workshop will explain how early chaos and/or neglect affects a child’s brain, autonomic nervous system, and body system and how this can lead to the development of complex trauma. The presentation of complex trauma in children including…

Die Entwicklung einer der neuesten erfolgreichen therapeutischen Entwicklungen in der Behandlung psychotraumatologischer Syndrome gelang Dr. Francine Shapiro vom Mental Research Institut in Palo Alto, Kalifornien. Eher zufällig, wie sie heute…

Cette étude a évalué une approche thérapeutique du trauma, orientée par phases et à composants multiples, auprès de 34 enfants victimes de traumas interpersonnels graves (e.g., viols, abus sexuels, violences physiques et émotionnelles, négligences,…

Complex cases often present the therapist with a confused picture and the dilemma of how to “find a way in” swiftly but safely under time-limited conditions imposed by agency or waiting lists. This workshop explores ways in which therapists can…

The focus of this research was to gain a better understanding of the challenges of working with clients who have experienced severe or chronic trauma. The conceptual framework used for this research project is based on neurologically informed…

N. è stata portata in Italia a 14 anni con l’illusione di lavorare come baby sitter, finisce invece vittima dello sfruttamento sessuale organizzato e per circa un anno subisce violenze sessuali, fisiche e psicologiche. Con forza e coraggio notevoli,…

This study evaluated a multicomponent phase-based trauma treatment approach for 34 children who were victims of severe interpersonal trauma (e.g., rape, sexual abuse, physical and emotional violence, neglect, abandonment). the children attended a…

This workshop describes the various uses of chronological autobiographical memory cues (temporal sequencing) to restore the sense of ‘continuity of being’ disrupted by trauma: 1. To facilitate readiness for EMDR processing when a client is avoidant…

Healthcare service providers, as well as, mental health practitioners, frequently associate the suffering of complex trauma with pathology, mental illness, personality disorders and severe psychiatric dysfunction. Clients are perceived as difficult…

Durante y después de un desastre, el trauma psicológico es una consecuencia de las multifacéticas situaciones que viven individuos y comunidades. El modelo que se presenta a continuación, nos da una visión general del amplio espectro de los…

Abstract:EMDR is an efficacious therapy for the treatment of PTSD. Increasingly, EMDR is being recognized as an important and viable therapy in the treatment of complex PTSD, including Dissociative Disorder Not Otherwise Specified, Dissociative…

The paper presents a clinical case of an initial diagnosis of BPD referred to ARP by local psychiatric services where she was treated for a suicide attempt. The client presented serious affective dysregulation, impulse dyscontrol, dissociative…

We all display particular patterns of thinking, feeling and acting, depending on the situation. The transition is usually seamless in well-adjusted people, but where there has been disrupted attachment or sustained early life trauma the result is…

EMDR is widely recognized as a therapy of choice in psychotraumatology. However treating clients who suffer from complex traumatization, and especially dissociative disorder, using EMDR straightaway in its standard form is very difficult. “By far,…

This is the first book to provide a wide range of leading-edge, step-by-step strategies for clinicians using EMDR therapy and adjunct approaches with children with severe dysregulation of the affective system. Written by an author internationally…

Attachment theory and interpersonal neurobiology demonstrate the importance of the therapeutic relationship as a primary change mechanism. With survivors of childhood relational trauma, betrayal of trust and attachment issues create obstacles to…

Summary • Pathogenic family dynamics (relational configurations) are internalized as ego state conflicts • The resulting ego state system is a structured complementation of the loyalty system • The subjective sense of Self (and corresponding…

Het komt nogal eens voor dat een behandelaar besluit een methode in te zetten die gericht is op afgebakende traumatische ervaringen, terwijl de cliënt eigenlijk zijn hele verhaal wil vertellen en behoefte heeft over al zijn ervaringen te getuigen.…

Managing dissociative interference when treating individuals with early repetitive traumatization requires recognition, then direct intervention. The “phobias of structural dissociation” are especially helpful in recognizing the less readily apparent…
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