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Prolonged Grief Disorder occurs within 7-10% of the bereaved population and is a more complicated and persistent form of grief which has been associated with suicidality, mental health disorders, sleep disturbance, poor health behaviors, and work and…

De nombreuses publications ont mis en évidence l’efficacité de la méthode EMDR qui est devenue en moins de dix ans le mode de traitement psychothérapeutique privilégié des traumatismes psychiques. Cet ouvrage qui réunit les plus grands spécialistes…


During the last year demand for psychological interventions has increased due to a number of factors. This, as well as personal factors, has led me to reflect more on how to best provide effective EMDR therapy. Questions asked during EMDR Case…

Autism is an often-invisible disability (with an estimated prevalence rate in New Zealand of at least 1-2% of the population), and autistic people’s experiences often make them probable candidates for EMDR. At least 60% of autistic children are…

he EMDR model is linear―real EMDR is not. Therapists who are trained in EMDR can facilitate healing in the most profound ways. But successful treatment requires more than following a rigid script or a protocol. It requires bringing both the art and…

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy is an eight-phase psychotherapeutic approach that emphasizes the physiological information processing system in the origin and treatment of mental health issues (Shapiro, 2001, 2014a). Its…

EMDR stands for “Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing”. This eight-phase treatment concept describes the full process of trauma treatment. As described by Janet in 1889 and recommended in today’s treatment guidelines for PTSD, EMDR begins…

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing – die Methode mit den schnellen Augenbewegungen – wird seit 30 Jahren weltweit in der Behandlung von Traumata und anderen psychischen Störungen angewendet. Die Methode gehört zu den Kurzzeittherapien und…

Take this exciting and life-changing journey to be free from past trauma and become the person you were meant to be. Are you feeling weighed down by the past trauma in your life? Do you feel angry over the least little thing? Do you already know that…

Volete saperne di più sulla tecnica EMDR e trovare risposte a tutte le vostre domande? La terapia EMDR è considerata un tipo di trattamento psicologico nuovo e non convenzionale. Viene utilizzato principalmente per trattare il PTSD e altre reazioni…

Perché l'EMDR è così efficace e come si usa? Perché scegliere l'EMDR e cosa aspettarsi? I movimenti oculari possono trattare con successo i traumi? Secondo la teoria dell'EMDR, i ricordi traumatici alterano il cervello. Queste alterazioni rendono…

Psychische Traumatisierungen konnen in der Folge krisenhafter Erfahrungen entstehen, sei es durch die Erfahrung von Krieg, Flucht, physischer oder sexueller Gewalt, Terror oder Amoklaufen, schweren Unfallen oder Naturkatastrophen.…

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a psychotherapy treatment that was initially intended to mitigate the pain related to horrendous recollections (Shapiro, 1989a, 1989b). Shapiro's (2001) Adaptive Information Processing model…

I can only relate what happened to me as EMDR will affect different people in different ways. Some have more emotional reactions, some more physical. I wasn’t prepared for the intensity of the therapy nor for the awful nausea and distressing physical…

This chapter discusses eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy, the only major evidence-based psychotherapy that has emerged with the explicit goal of neural network integration. It describes eight-phase protocol for EMDR and…

Thirty years ago, in the summer of 1991, I travelled to Denver to visit my graduate school mentor, Andy Sweet. I had received my doctorate in clinical psychology in 1989, and Andy had taught me most of what I knew about working with people suffering…

Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy is an extensively researched, effective psychotherapy method proven to help people recover from trauma and other distressing life experiences, including PTSD, anxiety, depression, and panic…

Eye-movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy is a comprehensive psychotherapy intervention with empirically validated efficacy in the treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder. Although treatment is usually provided individually on a…

Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) is a therapy designed to treat post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It requires clients to retrieve a traumatic memory and to visually track the therapist’s finger as he or she moves it back and…

Traumatic events experienced in different periods of life may soon alter negative psychological changes. These negative shifts might be indications of pathology depending on their duration and consequences. Eye Movement Desensitization and…

Cet ouvrage présente une synthèse complète des connaissances actuelles sur la thérapie EMDR considérée sous tous ses aspects théoriques, pratiques et cliniques.This book presents a comprehensive synthesis of current knowledge about EMDR therapy…

A popular and often effective treatment is Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), which is an evidence-based psychotherapy. EMDR facilitates the resumption of normal information processing and integration. By activating both the right…

The authoritative presentation of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy, this groundbreaking book--now revised and expanded--has enhanced the clinical repertoires of more than 100,000 readers and has been translated into 10…

A la hora de realizar esta reseña, describiré en primer lugar como F. Shapiro descubrió “por azar” el método EMDR, después el modelo teórico en el que se inserta y, en último lugar, el método de trabajo, con las ventajas y dificultades que presenta a…

Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy is a comprehensive psychotherapeutic approach that emphasizes the role of the information processing system in the origin and treatment of mental health problems (Shapiro, 1995/2001, 2007,…

Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) was developed in the late 1980s as a treatment for posttraumatic stress disorder. Since then the therapy has been shown to be efficacious for this and other disorders. It is broadly disseminated…

In summary, EMDR is an empirically tested treatment for PTSD that has some positive reports in the research literature. Some researchers have provided evidence that effortful eye movements tax working memory during the recall of traumatic…

In 1989 the first publications on EMDR emerged. Now, almost 30 years later, there is enough evidence to conclude that EMDR is an established, time-limited treatment for PTSD. Although, based upon Shapiro’s AIP model, one would predict that EMDR is…

Viele traumatisierte Menschen schrecken vor dem Weg zu einem Therapeuten zurück, da sie Angst davor haben, erneut über die schrecklichen Ereignisse reden zu müssen und sich mit ihnen auseinander zu setzen. Zudem befürchten viele, dass sie ihren…

La thérapie EMDR est une nouvelle méthode de psychothérapie qui utilise la stimulation sensorielle des deux cotés du corps, soit par le mouvement des yeux soit par des stimuli auditifs ou cutanés, pour induire une résolution rapide des symptômes liés…

La couverture porte en plus : "L'histoire, la méthode et les techniques pour se libérer de ses traumatismes et dépasser ses blocages."The cover additionally carries:  "History, method and techniques to free itself from its traumas and exceed its…

Il y a quelque chose d’attrayant dans l’aspect intégratif de la thérapie EMDR à l’heure d’un rapprochement entre la neuroscience et la psychothérapie. L’ajustement de la thérapie au rythme du patient et la « distraction » du patient face à une trop…

Samenvatting: Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is een nieuwe behandelingmethode voor posstraumatische stress-stoornis en andere trauma gerelateerde angstklachten. In essentie behlst EMDR het volgende: clienten nemen traumatische…

Naast het Handboek EMDR is er nu ook het Praktijkboek EMDR. In 2003 verscheen het Handboek: een geprotocolleerde behandelmethode voor de gevolgen van psychotrauma. Hierin wordt gedetailleerd en stapsgewijs beschreven hoe het basisprotocol van Eye…

Francine Shapiro tells a story describing how she “discovered” EMDR — eye movement desensitization and reprocessing — in the 1980s by noticing that moving her eyes while thinking about a troubling circumstance decreased the degree of angst she felt.…


Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy is an integrative psychotherapeutic approach that emphasizes the role of the brain’s information processing system. Mental health problems, excluding those caused by lack of information,…

The first South Korean EMDR basic training begun in 2003 and since then, gradual progress has been made in regard to research, practice, and dissemination. But a recent surge of social demands for trauma therapy brought by a Sewol Ferry Disaster in…

Prominent entrepreneur and community philanthropist, Kenny Slaught has recently shared his views on the new state-of-the-art therapy available for veterans at Hospice of Santa Barbara on his blog at Highly regarded by Slaught as the…

La Revolución EMDR educa a los lectores sobre una psicoterapia EMDR revolucionario llamado, lo que significa Eye Movement desensibilización y reprocesamiento. Las partes principales del libro incluyen una serie de estudios de casos y cada caso de…

This master class will show how the integration of Structural Dissociation Theory and the Polyvagal Theory with EMDR Psychotherapy is done by master clinicians in complex trauma and dissociation. Specifics on how to treat dissociative phobias and…

Over the past 25 years EMDR has grown from a structured technique for treating PTSD to an integrative form of psychotherapy. Unfortunately many clinicians leave their EMDR basic training feeling chained, constrained and needing to rigidly follow…
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