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  • Tags: Domestic Violence

Participants will: 1) understand the subtleties and complexities of abusive relationships; 2) be able to assess children for subtle signs of abuse and coercion, including brainwashing; 3) be taken through a case of successful treatment of a…

Spousal abuse and other forms of domestic violence can lead to PTSD. Little is known about how to best treat this form of PTSD. The current case series, based on data collected as part of a larger clinical trial, was designed to evaluate the…

Domestic violence (DV) has been defined as a pattern of verbal and physical behavior intended to control another person in an existing, former, or desired intimate relationship (Walker, 1979). Although DV is not confined to heterosexual unions or to…

Objective: Psychiatrists have recently paid attention to family violence victims, possibly due to the increase of the case, difficulty in case finding and management, and unfavorable treatment outcome. In this review article, the author introduced…

This presentation will highlight the effects of domestic violence and other traumatic experiences on children from pre birth to 12 years of age and how EMDR can reduce the symptoms and give the subject a more appropriate perception of their…

Twenty-four participants from a local domestic violence center were selfselected into an individual therapy-plus-standard advocacy group (P/SA) or a standard advocacy (SA) group. The center’s advocacy staffed administered treatment for the SA group…

This case study describes the use of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) for a woman who met criteria for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) related to past domestic violence. Outcome measures were used to assess the client's…

This paper aims to discuss some of the issues of working using EMDR, as a part of the integrated treatment process of children, who have been exposed to chronic abuse and domestic violence. These children are all in the care system and are living…

Alternative to violence has developed a group treatment model structured by the theory of structural dissociation and EMDR trauma treatment theory. Woman with ethnic minority background received short terms group treatment at a shelter for victims of…

During this pre-conference, we will discuss the integration of EMDR and family therapy through the work done with domestic violence cases. In these particular situations, the therapist is faced with complex clinical issues that require one to think…

Domestic violence is a multifaceted complex trauma that can incorporate many attributes of violence be that physical, sexual, psychological, systemic and economic in nature and which can be both extremely overt and/ and covert. Internationally crime…

EMDR, Energy Therapy, and EMDR plus Energy Therapy was utilized in the treatment of high-risk Domestic Violence offenders. Twenty-four of the 49 participants agreed to receive the enhanced treatment, consisting of individual sessions with certified…

Untreated trauma and PTSD are believed to underlie substance abuse (SA) and domestic violence (DV). Some military personnel attempt to manage their PTSD with the use of DV tactics and SA, causing harm to themselves and others. Workshop participants…

This cursory presentation may help the clinician recognize domestic violence clients and inspire interest in further training, promoting safer integration of EMDR in the treatment of domestic violence. Definitions, statistics, and examples of…

Objetivos de aprendizagem: • Investigar a relação entre o transtorno de estresse pós-traumático e comportamento violento; • Criar protocolo de intervenção de EMDR para situações de violência; • Planejar intervenções que previnam a reincidência do…

Cet article décrit les effets d’une prise en charge de femmes victimes de violences conjugales par la thérapie Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR). L’objectif était de mettre en évidence les effets curatifs de la thérapie EMDR en ce qui…

Introduction Cette recherche décrit les effets du traitement EMDR sur les victimes de violences conjugales. Objectif Le but de cette étude était de mettre en évidence l’efficacité de l’EMDR dans la réduction des symptômes d’ESPT, d’anxiété et de…

El Instituto de Psicotrauma de Alicante y los Servicios Sociales del Ayuntamiento de San Juan, aplican desde 2008 un protocolo de intervención breve para menores expuestos a violencia de género, basado en las técnicas de desensibilización y…

Les violences conjugales représentent un problème de santé public majeur. En 2011, en France, tous les 2.5 jours, une femme meurt sous les coups de son compagnon. Les violences conjugales résultent de la conjonction de facteurs individuels,…

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) representa unha nova modalidade de tratamento de traumas e lembranzasemocionais desenvolta plola doutora Francine Shapiro, Ph.D., nos fins dos década de 80, nos Estados Unidos. Trátase dun método…

L’obiettivo di questa presentazione è di aiutare il terapeuta a riconoscere la vasta influenza che la violenza domestica ha sui nostri pazienti, sebbene non esista la diagnosi di “violenza domestica”. Successivamente, un secondo obiettivo è quello di…

The aim of the present control-trial study was to evaluate the effectiveness of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) in the treatment of child victims of domestic violence (DV) in Iran. 77 students (39 girls and 38 boys) , aged 8-12…

This cursory presentation may help the clinician recognize domestic violence clients and inspire interest in further training, promoting safer integration of EMDR in the treatment of domestic violence. Definitions, statistics, and examples of…

In this presentation, we explore the hope that EMDR can provide for male survivors who have been charged with domestic offences. The presenter’s hypothesis that these men require an approach tailored to their trauma histories. Many of the current…

Domestic violence is a phenomenon that continues to impact our society, affecting women and children. This presentation focuses on the author’s research on risk profiles of domestic offenders. Highlighted within the research is that one of the risk…

After ensuring safety, treatment of victims of intimate partner violence is typically focused on the adverse and traumatizing experiences and related negative emotions. In addition, in many cases, idealization of the perpetrator and maladaptive…

Después de asegurarse de que haya seguridad, el tratamiento de las víctimas de violencia interpersonal (VIP) suele centrarse en las experiencias adversas y traumáticas, y en las emociones negativas relacionadas. Además, en muchos casos, la…

Objective: This study was conducted to examine and compare the effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) in child victims of domestic violence (child physical abuse and/or witnessing…

Après avoir assuré leur sécurité, la prise en charge des victimes de violences d’un partenaire intime est généralement axée sur les expériences douloureuses et traumatisantes ainsi que sur les émotions négatives associées. De plus, dans de nombreux…

Successful treatment for trauma and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are needed given social and physical impairments linked to them. In reviewing the history of EMDR and its impact on the treatment of trauma, I attempted to create a research…

The tool — Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing — is an eight-phase therapeutic approach to disrupting the negative beliefs that take root in response to traumatic memories. EMDR uses bilateral stimulation of the brain through visual,…

A step by step protocol for EMDR therapists to empower their clients to emotionally detach from abusers and social predators. This protocol can be used for victims of domestic violence, narcissists, borderlines, and sociopaths.

Some people find themselves repeatedly involved in harmful and abusive relationships. Many of them struggle to walk away from the relationship, set boundaries, or protect themselves adequately. There are two concepts that are important to…

This presentation addresses the experiences and research of LGBTQPIA2S+ individuals and community who have, are, or are at risk for experiencing domestic violence. We review the literature-supported best practices and share years of experience…

Background and aimsThe Safety Platform protocol (EMDR-SP), proposed as a Phase 2 EMDR strategy for complex trauma [1-4], is a set of procedures with the EMDR protocol, using exercises for vagal system and inferences about transgenerational stress and…

La Terapia de Desensibilización y Reprocesamiento mediante Movimientos Oculares (EMDR) es una terapia de tercera generación, cuya evidencia empírica demuestra que programas basados en EMDR ayudan a las personas a recuperarse de un trauma y a reducir…

Les Nations Unies définissent la violence domestique comme une situation dans laquelle une personne exerce des violences physiques, psychiques, sexuelles ou économiques sur une autre personne avec laquelle elle est liée par un rapport familial,…

La prévalence nous donne une idée du nombre de personnes touchées par cette pathologie. Mondialement les agressions masculines entraînent plus de décès et de handicaps chez les femmes de 15 à 44 ans que le cancer, la malaria, les accidents de la…

Breaking Free is an important contribution because it talks about something that really matters. Domestic violence is omnipresent and devastating for millions of women and families of every country and culture. It presumes a fountain of brutal pain…
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