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  • Tags: Dissociation

Eating disorders (EDs) require a multidisciplinary approach, rather than a hammer-and-nail perspective. Based upon recent research and more than a decade of clinical experience, this article highlights the need to include a trauma-informed and…

Les sévices auto-infligés constituent une stratégie de coping actionnée par le trauma qui peut se comprendre du point de vue du modèle du Traitement adaptatif de l'information (TAI) et se prendre en charge par la psychothérapie EMDR…

Ce travail de thèse raconte un cheminement de clinicienne, avec des allers retours entre une pratique psychothérapeutique et une réflexion conceptuelle, tentant de cheminer vers une démarche intégrative permettant d'aborder les situations…

Le trauma peut être regardé comme un figement du système nerveux face à une menace. Lorsquece trauma se transforme en traumatisme, l’EMDR apporte, par un système de stimulations bilatéralesdu cerveau, un complément thérapeutique. L’auteur…

In this article, I describe various tools to support EMDR treatment. Those are how we collect positive aspects in the traumatic event in client history taking phase, how we link with positive aspects by using cognitive interweave, and how we keep…

Background:Substance use disorders (SUD) are patterns of substance use leading to severe impairment on social, working and economic levels. In vivo and clinical findings have enhanced the role of the brain's stress-related system in maintaining SUD…

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing is a psychotherapeutic approach with recognized efficiency in treating Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), which is being used and studied in other psychiatric diagnoses partially based on adverse and…

In order for a child to recover from psychological symptoms or behavioral problems, a healthy parent-child relationship must exist. The relationship in which parents validate their child's negative emotions and somatic sensations is required to allow…

The purpose of this study is to explore the applicability and efficacy of EMDR in treating clients with relational trauma and dissociative (DD) in Taiwan.Case study was conducted to examine clients' subjective expereinces and changing courses…

Many EMDR practitioners are surprised to encounter unsuspected somatic or structural dissociation well into treatment with trauma patients. This presentation provides necessary and perhaps painful insights needed to avoid the therapeutic…

Clinicians often struggle with understanding the functional dynamics of Eating Disorders (ED). To successfully treat ED with EMDR, clinicians must be able to identify two crucial aspects of the core issues underlying these disorders: defenses and…

The purpose of the study was to explore the applicability and efficacy of EMDR with relational trauma and dissociation. Subjects were two clients who shows signs of dissociative part, having compulsive behavior and sudden shift of emotion, behavior…

In 2008, Martin Dorahy, Ingo Schäfer and I published a book called ‘Psychosis, Trauma and Dissociation’. It contained 24 chapters from experts throughout the world commenting on historical, research and clinical perspectives linking trauma,…

This presentation will focus on practical and creative strategies for working with children with severe dysregulation of the affective system. These include children exhibiting insecure patterns of attachment, complex PTSD and dissociative symptoms.…

Emotion dysregulation is a frequent feature in trauma-related disorders. Different kinds of emotion dysregulation seem to be linked to particular psychiatric conditions, and there is growing evidence of the association between neurobiological…

Wie bereits in einem früheren Artikel in dieser Zeitschrift dargelegt, können Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)-Behandler, die Patienten mit komplexen traumabezogenen Störungen behandeln, von der Kenntnis und der Anwendung der…

therapeutic progress of a 15 yr old boy with a fragmented-dissociated mind due to years of emotional, physical and sexual abuse by his father. The Adaptive Information Processing (AIP) model that informs Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing…

Both psychoform and somatoform dissociation has been related to early, severe, and chronic traumatization. Somatoform dissociation includes, but it is not limited to conversive disorders. Hyper and hypo-arousal, under and over-controlling strategies…

Self-harm is frequently a trauma-driven coping strategy that can be understood from the perspective of the adaptive information processing (AIP) model and treated with eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy (Shapiro, 1995,…

This workshop introduces two conceptual frameworks. The optimal zone of arousal and node isolation theory and techniques. The first is for assessing readiness for, and identifying obstacles to safe phase four processing. The second describes a…

This workshop will help EDR clinicians identify stuck patterns that their traumatized clients have with members of their family in the here and now. Strategies will be taught for managing clients' exposure to childhood abuse perpetrators and other…

Using filmed EMDR session segments of a young child and an adolescent, analysis of the manifest challenges and presentations of complex trauma will be demonstrated. Creative use of EMDR to accommodate the developmental, personality and situational…

EMDR can be used safely and successfully with DID and highly complete PTSD clients, provided that ego states are properly engaged and modifications have been made to titrate affect. This workshop will cover the following topics: Seeking permission…

This workshop offers ways to incorporate EMDR in the treatment of clients with DID and DDNOS, as well as ways to integrate EMDR with ego state work. Participants will learn protocols for stabilization, orientation to the present, and strategies for…

This workshop will focus on structural dissociation and ego states. Specific emphasis will be placed on the recognition and management of dissociation when it interferes with various phases of EMDR, particularly during Desensitization. Dr. Gelinas…

This plenary will be divided into two parts. During the first past of the morning, we will examine the impact of early neglect, abuse, and attachment disruption on the development, functioning, and identity of an individual. We will review the range…

Mevrouw Van Dis¹ heeft een jeugd gehad met, vanaf haar zesde jaar, onder meer incest met haar vader en seksueel misbruik door diverse anderen. Dit is nu nog steeds belastend voor haar. Ze is jarenlang bij verschillende therapeuten onder behandeling…

Although EMDR is a therapy recognised by international scientific community as one of the first line treatment for PTSD, its application has never been assessed with torture survivors refugees. The aim of this research is to assess the therapeutic…

Using clinical data at a specialized trauma clinic, this study investigated pre-treatment clinical factors predicting response to eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) among adult patients diagnosed with posttraumatic stress disorder…

Jak sugeruje poprzedni artykuł w niniejszym piśmie, znajomość i stosowanie teorii strukturalnej dysocjacji osobowości (TSDP) oraz towarzyszącej jej psychologii czynności może przynieść korzyści lekarzom stosującym terapię EMDR (odwrażliwiania za…

Clients with dissociative disorders can present with overt, subtle or hidden dissociative pathology. Symptoms from internal conflict and hypoarousal frequently go unrecognized. In this workshop, clinicians will be exposed to a “progressive approach”…

Participants will learn how to administer, score and interpret the Multidimensional Inventory of Dissociation (MID). The MID is a 218-item, self-administered instrument with 168 dissociation items and 50 validity items developed by Paul F. Dell,…

Therapists are often reluctant to pursue EMDR with highly dissociated complex PTSD clients (non-DID). This workshop provides hope and hands on strategies for this client population. We briefly review the neurobiology of trauma and the AIP model with…

The treatment of some chronically traumatized and dissociative children can be complicated when they refuse to talk about trauma or say they forgot about it. They have build walls around their emotions and inner world and we are tempted to let…

This workshop explores the practical problems faced by EMDR therapists with different levels of experience in applying the AIP model and EMDR procedures with their patients as identified in actual consultation sessions. Common clinical dilemmas,…


This presentation will illustrate the use of the methods of Level of Urge to Avoid (LOUA) and Constant Installation of Present Orientation and Safety (CIPOS) in the treatment of a severely dissociative Vietnam veteran with dysfunctional childhood…
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